Disturbing truths on abuse in the foster care system, and the murder of heroes trying to stop it.

in life •  5 hours ago 

The CPS/Foster Care system is one of many rides that use words and a few good outcomes to mask the terrifying, often deadly outcome for those who are sucked into being unwilling riders. One example of this is the fact that children in foster care are four times more likely to be sexually abused than their peers not in foster care.

More than half of child sex trafficking victims recovered through FBI raids across the U.S. in 2013 were from foster care or group homes.


Foster children were 7–8 times and children in residential care 6 times more likely to be assessed by a pediatrician for abuse than a child in the general population.


Those Trying To Call Attention To This And Make Positive Change Keep Getting Murdered And Blocked By Authorities.

I think many who have looked into this at any length at all are aware of Senator Nancy Shaefer. If not, here are some links to put some perspective on this.

Her relentless pursuit of justice for these children and their parents initially cost her senatorial position. When she still wouldn’t let it go, she paid the ultimate price with her life as she and her husband were murdered.


Yet Another Murder (what a coincidence) Of Someone Trying To Hold CPS Accountable.

As usual, they try to frame these as suicide, however, as you can see in the link above, her friends aren't buying it.

In my previous article on mandatory reporters how the system is designed to have so many experts aligned against the parent(s)/child(ren) targeted that one can quickly understand their impotence when they see the judge siding quickly with them over them or their child.

Almost as if the results were guilty unless you have the resources to prove innocence. Something incredibly hard to do, much harder than proving guilt first.



In many cases, corruption involved is on many fronts. Ranging from HIPAA violations by mandated reporters to outright abuse of the system.

Enter Mark Angelucci. A lawyer who specialized in family law (esp men's rights which are a part of this issue), he took on the case as you can read from the Hippa lawsuit below.


Unfortunately for Mr. Angelucci, oftentimes when someone starts becoming too much of a squeaky wheel against corruption, they find themselves on a one way ride out of this ride called life. As with Senator Shaefer, he was murdered.

murder called suicide.jpg





In an even more bizarre twist, his murder appears linked to the murder of a judge's family who was working on the Epstein case.

The lies are all around us, made more obvious for those who can breathe for a moment when we see those who try to do good being murdered in high numbers.

I used to wonder why there weren’t more whistle-blowers. My shock was great when I began looking and saw not only were they everywhere, but they often met with an untimely death while the authorities on what’s important glossed over their deaths and the messages they were driven to share.

It's beyond obvious when one looks that it's open season on We The People.

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