When the melting pot is used to point us as weapons towards one another.

in life •  5 months ago 

My longest, yet most important editorial post I've ever written.

There is a growing divide among the peoples of the U.S. A divide exploited and widened by the power structures that profit off of the anger and lack of communication.

I’ve heard (been indoctrinated) since a child on the idea of the great melting pot. The idea that we can all at some point get along and hold hands as brothers and sisters.

Yet the idea itself as offered by those in power is little more than an illusionary concept that is only carted out when convenient for their goals. Goals that direct us towards anything but a unity that would ever allow for the success of a melting pot society.

I have to admit, I have no idea if the melting pot theory can work. At no time in history has one ever successfully been implemented with long term success. Because of this, I remain ignorant if people, in general, can put aside differences enough to allow for more than a momentary peace at any given time. Hell, history bares out that people of similar cultures/races can’t even get along for very long.



I Realized At An Early Age I’m Ignorant.

I can remember my early youth in vivid detail. I credit it to the fact my dad left when I was three and my mom quickly found an abusive man to take his role as my stepfather.

I had a limited grasp of language (as all children that age) and found the confusion overwhelming. False structures of reality being discussed among the grownups, structures I was being coerced into participating in becoming normal.

I can remember around the time I turned five praying to God for the wisdom of Solomon, so I could fix myself. I was sure the reason these false narratives seemed off to me was through something I lacked.

That the violence I found myself subject to could be erased from future occurrences if I could just be a little smarter. A little better.

I was naive back then. Believing that the world was some safe bubble where almost everyone worked together. Loved and watched out for one another. My foundation had been set through the church.

So many structures in thinking were set before my blank slate of a mind that had a heart full of love for the world around me. I was too ignorant to understand the hatreds that lie in people's hearts.

Ignorant of the lengths some would go to enslave their brothers and sisters. Ignorant of the systems designed to enslave the masses to various degrees through subtle foundations built upon the very false energy I thought was a problem in my cognitive ability to understand.

As time went on, the violent tactics used to attempt to coerce me grew as I never did receive that wisdom that would allow me to lovingly accept the falsehoods/attacks on the ideas and things I held dear.

As my childhood years came and went, I became angry. Rebellious. I had begun running away from home by the time I was seven. By high school, I was associating with some pretty bad people. Most of them were Black or Mexican.

Yes, I was that white guy.

I had grown to appreciate the frankness of their views. Identified with a lot of the anger they held. I got in trouble with the law as a teen, quite a bit.

Every time I was sent to the juvenile system, I interacted even more with the angriest, rage filled kids who were lost. Lost because they too were trying unsuccessfully to navigate through the false, predatory systems seeking to coerce them to submit their very souls.



Before I move on from this background, I wish to make a distinction that is crucial to this editorial piece. Not all people are innocent, and there are surely some evil people among us.

Not all of them are at the top of this predatory system. While it’s my belief many I came to know in the so called justice system of my youth didn’t belong there, there were quite a few who did.

Their anger and rage reduced them to little more than animals who wanted to see every being in their sphere suffer for the crimes inflicted upon them by those who were charged to look after their well being.

This piece and the observations made here are not about those people. It is about the many decent men and women of all races who feel impotent as they are coerced into situational structures designed to rob one of the sacredness of their lives.

Of the sacredness in those they hold dear.

Due to the natural state of life to be predatory, it is common sense that normal people have fears. Fear allows one to take precautions that minimize the damages that occur during one's life.

However, the sociopaths in charge of creating the societal illusions prey upon our fears. They take great care in maximizing exposure to the differences we have as people.

Maximizing the worst traits that any of us can possess through our group bias bubbles. Keeping us fearful of one another ensures that we would never join together, which would put a stop to much of their evil predatory schemes.

The lengths they go to create distrust and anger among us are well documented. There was a video making the rounds made by one of the BLM leaders, where he discusses why he can’t participate in that movement any longer.

As with many videos the corrupt rulers dislike, they deleted it years ago. Thankfully it was downloaded and reuploaded for me to share today.

He doesn't care a lot for white folks, but he sees through the illusion of hate and not only is calling out his own race but acknowledges many white folks are being played too.

He makes it very clear he is still angry over the injustices black people face. Makes it clear he will not be used as a pawn in a larger scheme that benefits the very people responsible for the violent oppression black people face.

He talks of the movement being co-opted by the fake left-wing side of politics so that they can be used as the foot soldiers in the civil war they have been pushing for many years now. I urge you to please watch this. It’s fifteen minutes long roughly.

And before those of you to the right nod your heads at those evil Democrats, here is a video Tucker Carlson made during the violent reactionary script those who would have us war with one another installed.

I hope you watch it as well. It has many moments in it that would leave any sane person nodding their head. Riots are bad. There is a need for safety. The violence on innocent folks being done in the name of racial justice is abhorrent. But, and this is a huge but, the dialogue that is needed is obviously lacking. I will get to that after the video. It’s around twenty-six minutes long.

It contains violent videos, so please don't watch in front of children or if you can't watch real violence.

What is obviously lacking from his fear narrative is the root cause of this anger. Anger at the inhumane ways people are treated by the violence enforcers.

Year after year they witness the violence and murder that is inflicted on their community by these enforcers. Nothing changes. Oh sure, they create commissions, throw a little money at the so called community leaders, and back to business as normal.

In some segments of the red pill community, it has become common knowledge that if you want to see what the masters of society (perception) plan for the rest of us, just look at the policies they have pushed on the black community.

They seem to have a penchant for using their communities as a guinea pig before implementing it to the rest of the people. You can see it in the destruction of their families, and the push to have abortion clinics predominantly in their neighborhoods.

The push to keep them economically oppressed. The push of drugs in their communities. The push to fill the for profit prison scheme with their bodies. And let’s be clear on one thing here.

Many of the black people enslaved (yes, it’s slavery) in the U.S. penal system are there for drug offenses.

Drugs that more likely than not were manufactured/sold originally by the same government that has made it illegal for the rest of us.

Without doing an article on the CIA U.S. involvement in the world drug trade, here is a video I’ve shared before.

It’s from the Montel Williams show and has Gary Webb and ex-DEA agent Mike Levine. They discuss extensively the CIA's role in the trafficking of drugs throughout the world.

By the way, as mentioned in my previous post on the murders ruled suicide of whistleblowers, Gary Webb can be added to that list. After he was chased out of journalism.


They would have us believe one can shoot themselves TWICE in the head when committing suicide.

Are you getting it yet?

The hypocrisy. The largest drug organization enslaving street level people who live in poverty and despair for selling micro amounts of what they are supplying?

In the article I’m about to post, there is no doubt that black people have more reason to fear getting killed by a violent police officer.


Now while it is true that more white people are killed by police than any other, statistically when you look at population numbers the likelihood is greater for black people.

Now to address the common question many white people I know would give to this. Isn’t it because black people are more prone to being violent against the officer?

And I would say, yes, that accounts for some of it.

However, we see way too many cases where the person was complying and still was beaten or killed. I bring up this scenario because it leads to a missing piece of the dialogue that I alluded to above regarding Tucker Carlson.

Are We Little More Than Animals To Be Ordered And Violated.

This question is one not many white folks ask. You might hear occasional grumbling, but year after year as the self proclaimed masters with the army of blue violence dealers clamp down it’s accepted.

As more of the middle class is decimated to join our black brothers and sisters in poverty hardly anyone is saying a word. Just sticking their heads in the sand and pretending the next leader will come along and put a salve on those boo boos.

As I said before, want to know what’s in store for us, just watch what they do with the black community.

To open this editorial, I mentioned the confusion and impotent rage I felt as a child. Trying to place an understanding on the false energy systems being foisted upon me.

I didn’t have a community that was affirming I might not be the problem. Black communities don’t have that handicap. They have been witnessing these atrocities on their humanity for centuries.

The main thing they have in common with my ignorant little child self back in the day is the feeling of an enraged impotence. Impotent because no one is listening.

No one is changing anything. Imagine living your life in constant fear (news-break white America, we are at that door now), fear that whatever you hold dear has a real possibility of being taken from you for existing.

We have to start listening to one another. Stop sticking our heads in the sand and saying it isn’t our problem. There is no other side of the tracks. We are one giant community, and dis-ease in one segment WILL invade the so called healthy segments.

It is evil what is being perpetrated on many Americans daily, and the legislation to increase these abuses grows annually. Legislation pushed by BOTH sides of the false political spectrum.

But I’m Sick Of Being Scolded Over White Privilege

I get it. I’m sick of it too. Understand this about this so-called white privilege.

It needs to be understood that the whole white privilege angle is being used as an attack on all white people. Needs understood why the narrative controllers trot it out.

Notice that the white leaders who are most prone to using that terminology are some of the wealthiest people in the nation, benefiting from the very policies that oppress.

Use the terminology to imply that white people should have this privilege stripped from them (yet never do they share from their hoarded pile of goodies).

I’m going to say this loud and clear, so there can be no misunderstanding.

What is being called privilege is something not to be destroyed, but given to ALL!.

Get it? Much of what is being called privilege is the remnants of decency that are fast eroding in our communities as well. But see the problem, and this is where it gets tricky. Most of you haven’t said a damn thing about not all of us being given human decency.

Hell, most aren’t even saying shit as they watch the last remnants of the white community having an illusion of human decency from the power structure erode.

The apathetic state most seems to be in now is pathetic. And has led to such a growing rift between cultures/races we are on a sure path to civil war.

I said at the opening, I’ve no idea if the melting pot can work. What I do know is this. If we don’t stop for a moment and see one another there’s no way it can work.

You don’t have to embrace things you don’t like about others to make the effort. Just open your heart and understand these are people, just like your people. We are being led to focus on so much of our differences we can’t stop and enjoy the likeness.

Impotent people with no more corner left to back into lash out in anger. WE HAVE ALL DONE IT AT SOME POINT. But for most of us, we enter safe zones where we can relax for some time. Imagine feeling like there wasn’t a safe zone. How would you handle the rage?

Handle the hurt as you watch those you love falling victim to this poisonous affair? All while the majority either say nothing or worse, laugh and say you deserved it.

It’s long past a time for empathy. I’m not sure enough people have the internal fortitude to have it after toiling for their little bubble of safety and food.

I hope that we can come together this year and understand it starts with us. Starts with us understanding our communities are a reflection of us, not some sleazy parasitical bureaucrat in office, nor the greedy parasites who use them as their tool to abuse and enslave all of us under their corrupt laws.

If we don’t understand the rage in the black community should be all of our rage, I warn you now. What’s commonplace for them is soon to be commonplace for you.

They Do Want A Civil War.

As Chaziel Sunz from BLM says in the video up above, they want to use the anger in the black community to start a civil war. Something that the corporate bankers have wanted time and again.

In closing, for those of you who have read this and somehow still hold a view they care and look out for us, I would remind you they have pushed civil war before.

Not just the one we had.

There was another plot to overthrow the government back in 1934. A plot hatched by such industry masters as the Dupont brothers, JP Morgan Chase, and the Goodyear Tire company.

They sought to use the services of Marine General Smedley Butler. He was highly decorated (most decorations ever at that time) and was loved by veterans for representing their interests against the government's indifference to them after their usefulness was gone.

Here is a long read on his life as conqueror for international business and their desire to overthrow the government to expand the empire quicker.


Or you can search it yourself for a shorter read. I put this before you so you can see these rich people who own our country hold all of us in disdain. They love our bloodshed.

Not only do they get richer from it, but another saying from the red pill community I will close this with. It speaks to the idea that war serves the purpose of killing off the strongest men and their gene pool. The saying I read some time back went something like this.

The strongest alpha men never made it back from the beaches of WW2. They died for their brothers on those fields so rich people could get richer. And destroy the strong bloodlines that could oppose them.

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  ·  5 months ago  ·  


Tell me things will be just fine~

Bliss 🥓

The Royal Death Racket

Medieval Monarchs
Shortly after WW2, CIA and FBI counterintelligence made a deal with the British Secret Intelligence Service to use the Monarchy as a blanket rubber stamp for nefarious domestic activities. This deal has directly facilitated unspeakable chaos, abuse, violence, and atrocities - both domestically and across the world - for nearly 80 years. It has also destroyed American democracy and wreaked havoc on our fundamental constitutional rights. Without the legal foundation the monarchy provides (secrecy, immunity, command structure, etc), our rogue intelligence agencies like would not be able to target Americans, manipulate media, and evade prosecution so effectively. The institution of the monarchy is the glue that holds the “deep state” together.


  ·  5 months ago  ·  

☝that is a great Web 2.0 example.

@austinsteinbart is a good 3.0 xample 🤬

Emerging Technologies

Profound advancements in science and technology are about to dramatically reshape our world. If wielded responsibly, these technologies have the power to elevate humanity into a new plane of existence. If not wielded responsibly, they will most certainly plunge us into a dystopian nightmare.


  ·  5 months ago  ·  

I like crowd feeding

Or disitermediating the nation state 🕸

IBOR - Internet Bill Of Rights
The only way to prevent the destruction of democracy and the extinction of free will

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

I already has Rites

That i Bill for 🥓