Mandatory reporters and kidnapping our children

in life •  20 days ago 

Years ago, I had two brushes with being on the receiving end of suspicion when my son was very young. Both ended about as well as one can expect, but one must realize that things were very different 28 years ago compared to today.

The first time involved the focus of this post. Mandatory Reporters.

It was the weekend, and we (my then wife and son, who wasn't much older than a year old) were at her mother's house. I was outside mowing her lawn when my wife came running out in a panic.

Turning the mower off, I was able to make out that our son needed to go to the emergency room. Following me as I ran to the house, she was excitedly explaining that he had been following one of his uncle's girlfriends, and she had a cigarette in her hand.

When she stopped, he ran into the ember, burning his eye. He was crying as his grandma held him, the girlfriend (a real piece of crap) mumbling that he shouldn't have been following her. Snatching him up from Grandma, I rushed him out to the car, and off we went to the emergency room.

I can't express how relieved I was as the doctor finished his examination. The burn wasn't directly on his eye. It had burnt the skin close to the eye, and he doubted it would even scar. It took me a moment for it to register what he was saying next.



"Tell me again how your son's eye got burned?"

My mind raced as it hit me what he was suggesting. It wasn't the question itself. It was the tone he used.


He had already heard the story from my wife, who had been talking nonstop as he examined our son. My relief quickly turned to anger at the suggestion that this might have been done on purpose.

Angrily I recounted what had happened, something in my anger perhaps relaxing him regarding his suspicions. In my case, it worked out ok. I got to take my son home with some cream for the burn, and it was left at that.

Many are not as lucky as my family was. Many find themselves in horrible nightmares when they seek treatment for their children's accidents. Many unfortunate Americans find out every year when seeking treatment for their children that they have unwittingly become the focus of a criminal investigation for the crime of their child having an accident.

The unfortunate circumstance of having to prove they are a good parent for actually being a good parent and seeking medical help for their child. It's not the parent's fault, as most Americans are unaware of exactly how intrusive the government has become.

Are unaware that quietly over the years parents' rights have eroded as the government has stolen your rights as a parent and become the owners of your children.

They use the CPS (Child Protection Services) as their enforcement arm, but often, that isn't where you will initially find yourself being scrutinized.

Passing laws that mandate your misfortunes be reported to this strong arm organization, certain professionals must report you if there is even the appearance a child is being abused.

You will note that this list includes:

Social Workers


Health Care Workers

Child Care Providers

Law Enforcement

Many so far would think to themselves that this is how it should be. Who cares if a parent is upset, as I was in the story I shared if it saves just one child?

Unfortunately, the abuse of CPS when it comes to ripping children from homes, creates more problems than they are solving. Worse, it now gives all the groups on that list the power to abuse you and your child.

Think it can't happen, I urge you to watch this video. This family had CPS called for not showing up to a doctor's visit they had never agreed to even go to. This man knew his rights however and promptly sent the CPS on their way.

However, many would have been intimidated by these government bullies and made everything worse by trying to cooperate when they had done nothing wrong. Notice around the 3:40 mark as one of the CPS thugs tries to intimidate him into changing his mind about letting them in his house.

"I am a free man." He asserted his rights and pushed them off due to not allowing them to bully him into agreeing to give them up. However, he was assisted in this by the fact he was at his home.

The one area you have at least some semblance of rights left. In my opinion, the only mistake he made was informing them he had a doctor's appointment for that baby. This let them know the child would be in an area where he could no longer assert this right, as this next video will show.

In this video, the CPS came and snatched this woman's newborn as she was breastfeeding still at the hospital. They had no judge's order and still legally took this child. Let this sink in a minute. They had no court order to take this child. And being in the hospital, the parents could not assert any rights over THEIR child.

The news anchor asks if this is kidnapping or protecting a child from danger. The charge leveled against this family was Risk of Physical Neglect. Her crime that initiated this kidnapping you ask (if you didn't watch the video)?

She is poor and sought help from the government.

Notice one of the themes beginning to form here. Both in my case, where I took my son for help at the ER, to this woman seeking government financial assistance.

Ask yourself if one is being neglectful by SEEKING help for their child. Also, notice in the video above how much more likely children are to be abused in foster care.

In this last video, their story was similar to mine. An ER visit that resulted in extra testing (at their expense) that still resulted in contact with CPS.

Notice the doctor explaining how by law they have to perform these tests to ensure there is no previous history of injury. Tests that of course will have to be paid by the parents to prove their innocence.

Note that when the father had enough of watching his daughter cry and took her to leave, the doctors threatened him they would contact CPS if he did not stop and comply with their demands.

They did contact CPS and in the middle of the night, CPS showed up demanding they return to the hospital for the test or they would kidnap the child.

What would have happened to this family if they had been guilty of being poor like the mother whose child was snatched while she was breastfeeding? This raises so many questions.

Is it a crime to be poor?

Does the state have the right to dictate how you care for your child?

Does the medical field have the right to determine what and how many tests you will pay them to perform under the threat of having your child kidnapped if you do not comply?

Miss an appointment you didn't agree with and here come the goons. Is this in the child's best interests, or is it in the best interests of other's financial profit?

Before you may think these are isolated cases, I assure you they are not. I could have filled this post with thousands of videos without scratching the surface.

Thousands of stories of normal people like us who are trying their best to care for their children only to find unreasonable demands to outright kidnapping taking place against them.

With the laws written as they are, everyone on that list at the top of this post can blackmail you under threat of having you investigated. The threat of having your children kidnapped from you.

Kidnapped and placed into situations that INCREASE the likelihood of something bad befalling the children.

Can you see this has to stop?

It is time we demand a stop to this by those passing these laws as though we are their property and not free citizens?

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  ·  20 days ago  ·  

I did many things that I would not otherwise have done for one of my children had I not been threatened like this by schools and doctors. That child was routinely poisoned by doctors and abused by schools because I was afraid to not comply. He did not survive his twenties due to iatrogenic disease but, at least, I had him with me the whole time. I implore people to keep their children away from pediatricians and out of schools.

I've said it before years ago. You are a classy woman which is a diminishing quality in todays world. I'm humbled you loved your son so much to make what sacrifices needed making.

I agree with your assessment, and homeschooled my son after the 5th grade.