Do You Really Want Freedom?

in life •  3 days ago 

Here in the United States, you often hear ideas thrown around about our freedoms. We send our soldiers off to clean up the aftermath of the missiles fired on more often than not unsuspecting innocent civilians. Instructed that we should blindly thank them for fighting for our freedoms as they depose governments elsewhere in the world.


Told that if we don't thank them, we are unpatriotic and don't support our soldiers. Doesn't matter what the agenda was behind the bloodshed, you better be patriotic and claim it was all done in your name for the freedoms you possess.

The idea of freedom has weighed heavily on my mind since I was a teen. With each passing year witnessing the erosion of already eroded freedoms. The usual method of erosion using fancy wordplay slogans pitched to the masses who have been trained to seek others to do their thinking for them.

Think of the children, they say.

We can't let poverty continue, they say.

It is every person's right to have access, they say.

It all sounds good on the surface, yet the results are normally far from being good. In the aftermath, the average citizen just shrugs and says you have to take the good with the bad.

The erosion of the Constitution.

We have a constitution here that is supposed to guarantee certain rights. The Second Amendment is one of those. It guarantees the right to bear arms. No qualifiers.

Nothing about background checks. Nothing about the types one can own. And make no mistake, it has nothing to do with a citizen's right to hunt. Many pro Second Amendment advocates allow themselves in my opinion to be backed into this argument.

The reason this amendment was made was for one reason. If the government steals your freedoms and comes to kidnap you, your family, or steal your property you will have the opportunity to stop them with the same lethal methods they are using against you.

It was put there to give the citizens a means to keep their freedoms because those who created this country envisioned that there WOULD come such a time when this would be needed.

There is proof that guns keep us safer as well. Notice how many of these shootings keep happening in gun free zones? That the highest rates of gun crimes always occur in liberal cities with the strictest gun laws?

If it were the guns that were the problem, you would expect to see these types of crimes occurring in hillbilly USA where every good old boy has one in the back window of his pickup truck.

I grew up shooting guns from an early age, as did many of my peers. We did not have this epidemic of gun violence back then. In fact, before my time many schools had gun clubs and kids were around guns often.

Do you disagree with the second amendment? Do you feel you have the right to take away my freedom to defend myself/family against the government, or anyone who would come to hurt or steal from me and those I love?

If you disagree, can you really say you believe in freedom as you approve of physical coercion against me to prevent me from this right based on your fears? Is there to be light at the end of the tunnel for those of us who want our freedom from those of you insisting it is not to be?

Unfortunately, Democracy appears to be a tool designed to convince the masses to aid in stealing my sovereignty and Constitutional rights.



Homeschooling as a crime.

There is a sharp divide over the idea of homeschooling. Some have been led to the conclusion that it is a form of child abuse and shouldn't be allowed. The question to ask in my opinion, is who did the leading and why?

But that is a debate all its own as the focus here is on freedom. In a free society a parent would be allowed to raise their children the way they feel is best. Not forced to corral their children into a cookie cutter model focusing on brainwashing social engineering one disagrees with.

Perhaps some parents do not want their children to be brainwashed "socially" as happens in many of these schools. Where do you fall into this line of thinking? Do you believe it should be mandatory for children to go to school? If you do, can you really say that you agree with the idea of individual freedom?

Or parental rights?

These are just two of many examples that bother me regarding the assault on our freedoms. How much of my sweat through taxes do you feel entitled to have?

How many of the actions I wish to take are ok for regulation to be put into place to stop? Ask yourself this and then think hard about how much you believe in freedom.

From the vantage point of an aging man, I have watched these so called good intentions strip more of my freedoms away year after year. Watched it strip my money from me more year after year.

Stealing my sweat to pay for others' bad choices, to fund actions that deny others of life and liberty. All under the banner of fancy heartwarming slogans. All tugging at the heart as it asks for just a few more freedoms to be given up for protection from some boogeyman.

Do you feel I should pay for other's choices when it comes to procreation? That I should fund bombs killing strangers in another part of the globe? That I should meekly accept my fate when it comes to any mandate the government issues?

That I should be at the mercy of those with evil intentions who wish to take from me and mine? How much further can this game go before many of you realize you are opposed to the idea of freedom?

It's bad enough that most give their consent to take my freedom, but please quit bullshitting everyone with the platitudes. Own your beliefs and quit saying you believe in freedom if you don't.

And if they succeed in squashing those of us strong enough to want freedom, remember this was what you wanted when they start to focus their attention on you.

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  ·  3 days ago  ·  

Parental rights, informed consent, self-defense, freedom of association, freedom of speech (and thought). These are all under attack in the "land of the free". Any politician who threatens our basic rights as human beings should be recalled by the public. Our EXPECTATION of our politicians should be the defense of our Constitution, not our HOPE. We can and must demand better and not acquiesce to tyranny. The future is up the the people not the puppet politicians. Otherwise, get your world citizenship card right now and enjoy your servitude. That's what I have to say on the topic.

Sadly since recorded time the masses have proven they seek to be ruled over and will mob up against those who don't bend knee to their rulers.

World citizenship is already here, they just obscure much of it through corporations and feel good platitudes that appeal to those who prefer being taken care of over freedom.

It's amazing really how small a percentage of folks needed to fight off England at the inception of the nation.

Most folks either rooted for England or didn't care as long as they were left alone (as long as they paid their tithing taxes).

  ·  3 days ago  ·  

Democracy is only as good as the information that is fed to the masses, the voters. When MSM is all propaganda, such as now, we are pretty much sunk at the voting booth. Folks then live in one fixed paradigm, and are unable to believe any information that is not born of that paradigm.

War is waged to frighten us into compliance. There are many kinds of wars" wars against other countries, wars against viruses, wars against drugs, wars against climate change. All of these and others are contrived, managed.

Step out of your paradigm, whatever it is, and build your own. Do not force your paradigm on anyone else. That's freedom.

Good video!!! Thanks.

Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.

Jesus praying on his murderers behalf.