Kamala isn't black: Democrats and the never ending woke race card.

in life •  7 months ago 

Trump recently came under fire for a speech he gave at the National Black Journalist conference. Came under fire for rightly saying that until recent years Kamala was pushing her Asian (Indian) heritage.

You can see here she and the left were pushing (honestly) her Indian heritage back in 2016 when she won her Senate seat.


You can also see here the Associated Press calling her Indian American in 2016, African American in 2020.

Ap 2016 to 2020.png


Someone did a genealogy on her and came up with the likely genetics looking like this.

Kamala is 50% Indian, & 37.5% European, & 12.5% Jamaican

It appears she has a great-grandparent on her father's side that (may have been) black.

Ironically, her father according to one celebrity that knows him personally (Judge Joe Brown) her father who is a professor doesn't claim to be of African descent but asserts he is Irish and Indian.


I knew at an early age I could never vote Democrat. From many years ago I could see they were creating schisms based upon racial lines, with the focus being pointing as many races against white (men) as they could manufacture.

Due to the abomination of slavery that at its peak saw perhaps 5% of the nation participating (some of whom were ironically black slave owners) black Americans have enjoyed the privilege of being at the top of the pile in the "historically disadvantaged" lottery.

They changed it from minority to historically disadvantaged as white folks are soon to be a minority in the U.S. as well as Western civ in general. I'll let you conclude why this was important for yourself, wink wink.


These divisions that are important to the Democrat party to use as weapons against the quickly dwindling majority of white folks have been destroying the fabric of the nation since my youth.

Putting her out there since 2020 as a black woman when she has very little (to no) African blood in her is disingenuous. If I had to hazard a guess, this is being done to make debating her, especially for an old white man, the epitome of evil in the racial hierarchy of the left an impossibility.

Just as we have seen this card amplified during heinous crimes here in the U.S., seeking to excuse reprehensible behavior and attacking criticism as blatant racism, it would appear to me this is solely to offer the same protection for any valid criticism.

Make no mistake, her career is a case study in affirmative action and downright evil intent.

She slept her way into the club, and while a prosecutor did much evil.

In the next video, you can see when she was running against Biden for the presidential ticket 4 years ago, Tulsi Gabbard shredded her on her record, even citing withholding evidence of a man's innocence on death row.

The shredding begins around the 3:50 mark.

“Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president.

“But I’m deeply concerned about this record. There are too many examples to cite but she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.

“She blocked evidence – she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California.”


There is much more, but it's clear to me that they realized the only way to market this woman was to transform her from asian/european to black so she could become immune to criticism the same way they do with other black criminals (saint Treyvon anyone).

I find these race card games tiring, and long for a day when those stirring up the flames of racial anger are held to account.

They say that America is supposed to be this racial melting pot.

I never saw it, from those in control anyway.

All the Democrat party seems to do is make sure races are competing in the victim Olympics, and blaming white men for all of their problems.

The Democrat party here is officially insane, and it's way past time to call them on their bullshit.

I don't know how well a melting pot works as it's never succeeded before. I do know if it's standard to point all groups at the dwindling majority group as the cause of all their problems, it isn't working for most.

As with all groups regardless of skin color and geography, most of us citizens are only along for the ride. Those in control don't consult the masses, they order us.

I know they are afraid of us all getting along because then all heads would turn to the criminal terror they instill in the public as they slowly tighten their ownership over us.


This post is not an endorsement of the Republican party. They are both two cheeks on the same ass, being paid by the real owners of this country. Just one is more vocal about how I'm the cause of all the world's ills because of my skin color and gender.

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Singing to the choir here. I was in his corner as soon as he announced.

Like Tulsi Gabbard, I don't agree with all of his positions, but he has long been a vocal critic of the pharmaceutical poison industry and has all the right people hating him.

I was disappointed however the first time I heard him speak. It instantly reminded me of the scene from My Cousin Vinnie where the kid's lawyer can't speak publicly.

I feel that is sadly important in today's shallow world. I have felt for many years now it was the largest impediment for Dr. Paul, in that he is so soft spoken.

As we saw with Trump, folks are attracted to boisterous, confident folks with the gift of gab.

I noted how once he threw his hat in the ring, many other Kennedys immediately began denouncing him. Reminded me of that niece of Trumps who is always being quoted on how horrible he is. Maybe they can trot out the fed ex delivery person's neighbor next time, hah hah.

Sadly folks eat up the pejoratives. Heck, Trump has gone after so many he should have been edifying (like Gov Desantis and Sununu) for the crime of either disagreeing or running against. He lost me when he went after Sununu during the Covid lockdowns. Sununu was likely the most constitutional rational governor in the U.S. during those times.

Trump is for Trump, and all his bluster is his art of the deal to make Trump the cookie owner.

i already liked him, but that bitcoin speech really puts him over the top

that clip is a good example

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Vote blue no matter who! I opposed this bumper sticker back in 2020, and just look at who we put in the white house! The first one was obviously senile, and this one is obviously on mind-altering substances. The sentiment is still very much a thing, though. Folks quite simply cannot see the problems with this vacuous and self-serving person, and not because she is black, brown, or yellow. Because she is blue. That makes her good. The Democrat Party is a self-righteous cult, yes, certifiably insane.

I wonder if two men winning Olympic gold and silver for beating the shit out of women will impress any of them.

I wonder if two men winning Olympic gold and silver for beating the shit out of women will impress any of them.

Who knew men made better women than women, buahahahahaha.

I remember years ago they had this thing called celebrity boxing. They matched up that professional wrestler woman against Joey Buttafuco who was famous for having sex with the girl who ended up shooting his wife.

She was talking a big game about her training and she was going to punish him for being a pervert.

She got stomped, it was almost a joke how he would rock her with punches and push her around the ring.

Even the Williams sisters at their peak couldn't handle 203rd ranked Karsten Braasch.

I like how Joe Rogan talks about it in his latest special.

"I'm open-minded. I just want to know what happened," he said. "It's almost like a pervert wizard waved a magic spell on the whole world."

"With a wave of this wand, you can walk into the women's locker room with a hard cock, and anybody who complains is a Nazi. Abracadabra!' And it just works!"

"And everyone just accepts this new reality, and it's fucking weird," Joe continued. "I just think we need standards. You can't just put lipstick on and now you can shit in the women's room!"

"I also believe in crazy people!" he quipped.

"Somehow or another, that got left out of the equation," Joe went on. "All of a sudden, crazy people just went away like the flu in COVID!"

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Anyone who is wired to an electronic device, be it a phone, a computer or a fit bit, is at risk of being made into a cyborg. They then consult their electronic devices for what to think on any given day, and in order to create their daily action plans. They become humanoids, no longer fully human.

As for the trans women, this is male priviledge run amok.

I hate to break the bad news, but being within proximity to any of their EMF signals means we are hooked up. I went down this rabbit hole, and without posting a small book here urge you to look up Dr. Delgado and his research in the 60's and 70's on mind control. It will frighten anyone.

I would rather say instead of male privilege it is mental ill privilege. No real man I know likes this at all, the men I see pushing for this crap of tolerating mental illness and denial of nature are the young sissy boys who were likely raised without their dad and only had a mom and the matriarchal school system forming their minds.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Yes, I worry about this as well, but that's like saying "it's everywhere so don't bother to fight it." I do everything I can to reduce my EMF etc exposure, but I can't do anything about the 5G tower 1/2 mile from my home. I can't do anything about all the wifi and cell signals on other peoples' phones (and get kind of antsy when I'm in a small space with lots of phones on wifi) other than to wear radiation blocking clothing, which I do whenever I am driving on expressways (holy shit have you driven through Ohio recently?!) or in small basement clubs, for instance. My home is as free from signals as I can make it. I'll check out Dr. Delgado, thanks.
I have to disagree a bit with you on the mental illness aspect of homosexuality. I've seen sons and daughters of healthy two-parent homes develop into healthy gay men and women. I'm talking about the extreme state of allowing biological men compete with women in sports, just because they like to wear dresses. That is absurd.


@drutter, maybe you might want to curate!?!? 😉

He muted me here after I called him out for being a racist.


Appreciate the sentiment, thank you. :)

OMG 😱 I didn't know that! That is too bad, because you both have similar views... 😔

In some things we do, but he has little emotional control lashing out wildly when angry, and doesn't care about innocent collateral damage. Seems to revel in it really.

I get his life sucks and his health isn't great but that should be cause for understanding the need for compassion, not dry it up into a well of hateful rot lashing out at many for the (real or imagined) slight of one.

That's all I have on that. :)

Ok, I finally found the comment you are relating to, but that was 3 years ago and the "Hive" is a very evil shithole, pulling everybody there into a very dark abyss and I guess drutter was no exception.. I myself got pulled into that shithole too! Maybe it is time to move on... What do you think?

but that was 3 years ago and the "Hive" is a very evil shithole, pulling everybody there into a very dark abyss

Not everybody. I saw I didn't like how my friends were being treated and left without wasting my energy.

I'm not sure what you mean by moving on.

It isn't as if I dwell on him, in fact, I even read some of his posts, and have been known to upvote some who comment on his posts (yes this can be done even if muted).

When I got to Blurt, I was welcomed and formed solid ties with many in the Venezuelan community. I was angry when I came across his insinuation that they live high on the hog there and couldn't handle the real problems Canadians face. I was sure he was smoking crack to make such a ludicrous statement as he equated all Venezuelans to the one he was angry at.

I wrote that post before he ever got here.

When he came, I never said a word until

He came to one of my posts and made one of his snarky comments, which opened the door for me to share with him my post about his anger and racism issues. He let me know at that time he had me blocked for years before on Hive because I'm a liberal, hah hah. Double down on the ad hominem for the loss.

I think things are where they naturally need to be. He has me safely muted to protect his sensibilities and I have no issue with that.

It isn't like we could ever be buddies, as we're too different in how we view others. I'm repulsed by those who only seem to have compassion for others as long as those others serve a purpose. And worse, are quick to go scorched earth on undeserving folks when things aren't going ones way.

I don't campaign against him, when he leaves his comments on folks I like here that are Venezuelan I leave it be instead of dropping a warning with my link on his views of them in the heat of the moment.

And because I'm not scared to read posts from those I dislike, I even appreciate some of his articles, although I won't upvote someone who has me muted. Far be it from me to dishonor their wishes to be separated from direct interaction. I wouldn't want to damage their fragile sensibilities. :D

Ending on a positive note. I think in some ways he has been good for Blurt, likely a good part of why I don't drop my link when I see him commenting on my Venezuelan friends posts.

Either way, I'm glad we are all here. This place really calms the people down, not having a DV button. Time will tell. Have a beautiful day buddy! 🌞🙏

Thank you and likewise.