Unsuccessful people think poverty is the root of failure

in life •  last year 

To be rich or successful in life, you must follow each of the following points.

* Unsuccessful people like to watch TV. And successful people like to read books. How much time are you wasting watching TV every day? You can tell. How much time do you read every day? Read how many books a year. Successful people take reading as a love and hobby. How are you accepting reading books? How much time you will read books from today, try to know how much.

* The work of failed people is evaluated, depending on the time. And all people are valued. Depending on the results of his work. Now you think about it. Do you want to be among the losers? Or as a successful person by gaining knowledge, on the results of your actions, you want to be evaluated.

* Failed people always blame others for not being able to do good things due to their own mistakes. Such as economy problem, social system problem of the country, boss problem, city problem, friend problem, neighbor problem, relative problem, all these things are hindering him and not being able to do something, actually no one else is responsible but those who fail are not willing to admit it. Failure may lead to mistakes in one's work. Successful people find the mistakes in their work. And tries to make amends. Because later that mistake should not happen again. If the task is successful without making that mistake again, the chance of making a mistake in the next task due to experience is very low. And he continues to move towards success. On the other hand, successful people admit their mistakes. Because the job was his. Therefore, admitting a mistake should not be considered a crime and move forward.

* Unsuccessful people make a habit of hoarding money. Because if they have any problem in the future, they can solve that problem with the saved money. Successful people invest the accumulated money in some way. Because it is through investing that the dividend is returned from there and then the money is converted into investment again. It should be remembered that if you want to be successful, you have to change the habit of saving money and use a good business or investment. Remember to be very hardworking to do something good. Therefore, without giving the excuse of lack, the investment habit should be made.
* Unsuccessful people think they know what they know. They think they know everything about this world. But they themselves do not know how much they actually know. On the other hand, successful people try to know every moment. To be successful, it is necessary to have knowledge about the country's situation, political situation, economic situation, social situation, surrounding situation at every moment. If you want to be successful, know about the current situation and the overall situation. A part of success. So we have to continue trying to learn about everything every moment if we want to be successful. On the other hand, we must remember that another name for knowledge is success.

* A type of failed people think that money is the root of all misfortunes. All people think poverty is the root of unhappiness. It is possible to do something good with money or it is possible to do something bad with this money. Money is actually a traditional system of exchange. Money is actually a system that everyone needs to buy to survive in the world. A beautiful life can be made with money. Social systems can be changed with money. The world can be changed. But we have to remember that there is no specific fault or quality of money. The faults are in our mindset. So finally want to say. Come out of failure and establish yourself successfully, change and try to change others.

* Unsuccessful people always live with the mentality of winning the lottery. For example, if I win the lottery, I will quit my job. Buy a house, buy a car, travel, always stay in one house. On the other hand, successful people live with a mindset of hard work. Anyway, I have to work hard to buy a car. I must do it at any cost. They believe that anything can be achieved if they work hard. In fact, success does not come in short cuts. Hard work can bring you success. Hard work can give you a beautiful life. Hard work can create a better social system for you. Let us promise not to apply any kind of shortcut method on ourselves from now on. Let's go with the mentality of hard work.

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