How is the lion the king of the forest? Although yes, but how?

in life •  last year 

How is the lion the king of the forest? But how? Is the lion the biggest animal in the forest? It is not. Because elephants are one of the largest animals in the forest. So the lion is the fastest animal? No, he's not either. Leopard is one of the fastest animals. What is the most intelligent lion? No, he's not either. So how did the lion become the king of the forest? His mindset. Yes. That is the only difference between a lion and elephant. The lion stood up and looked at the elephant thinking about his food. Just then the elephant thought he should run away. This is the mindset of both of them.
When the lion stood up and roared, numerous groups of hyenas started running away. When the group of hyenas fled in fear of hunger, it can be understood that the lion is actually the king of the forest. This was possible only because of the lion mentality. One of the most vulnerable animals in the forest is the deer. When a group of deer is chased by a hyena, no matter how large the group of deer is, the deer is forced to flee. Because the nature of the deer is weak, yes, this is the mentality of the deer.
If you continue to behave like a deer, you will find that no one is helping to lift you up. No one is introducing you. No one is rewarding you. No one is encouraging you. You will see if the nature of the deer. The lions are chasing you for no reason. You stop running. And decide whether you will walk with the nature of the deer or in yourself? The king of the forest will establish himself in this society by having the mentality of a lion. But you have to remember that you have to be very hardworking to create a lion-like mentality. As a lion runs after a deer until it catches up with the hunter. Until then he kept running behind him.
An interesting point is mentioned here that as much as the lion works, one admits that he suffers the results of the work. Another thing to remember is that Leo loves to admit it. Lion on the other hand likes to run after prey but does not want to take any shortcuts and he doesn't do it.

In other words, even if there is some success in the method, it is not long-lasting. Such success is very fleeting. Which will make your future much more vulnerable. So prepare yourself. Devote yourself to labor with a lion-like mentality. You will see that your success is inevitable. Thank you

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