Can We Ever Be Genuinely content?

in life •  8 months ago 


This couple were so ecstatic after the baby was born that they decided to provide for him with he wanted.
They wished to spare this boy from all harm and ensure that he never experienced misery. Throughout his life, he would only be exposed to the positive aspects of life and would never witness any suffering.

When the infant became a little older, the father made the decision to erect a wall around the house to keep him from seeing the outside world. He was lavished with attention from dawn to night, and as expected, this child grew up completely oblivious to the outside world. He had no knowledge of human cruelty, poverty, or mortality. Thus, this child grew up feeling purposeless in spite of all the luxury and prosperity. He turned out to be a really grumpy adult. He didn't think anything anyone ever did for him was meaningful, thus nothing was ever quite enough.

As the child grew older, he used to gaze out the window at night and wonder what was happening outside. He began to get obsessed with seeing beyond those walls, and one night, after his parents had gone to bed, he crept out of the home and scaled the wall. He had never before witnessed human misery. He witnessed poverty, abandoned elderly folks, and some terrible things that he had been shielded from his entire life. He seen the brutality of life. The day he returned home, he was in complete shock. Because he was unsure of how to respond to any of the aforementioned situations, he began to accuse his father of shielding him from what he had witnessed and of providing him with a pointless existence.

He had no idea how to proceed because he had never been taught how to manage any of the aforementioned circumstances. He was aware that there were those who had nothing at all. The boy made the decision to flee.

The young man believed that by giving away his most valuable belongings, he would feel happier and more confident about himself, so he gave up every dime in his possession and settled down as a beggar on the streets. He was adamant that his pain would provide him with purpose in life. He was looking for life's purpose. After a couple more years, nothing at all transpired. The boy at last came to the realization that pain is bad and that suffering is the same whether one is wealthy or not. When he got home, his aging parents hugged him. Now that he was clean, he went to work helping his parents, who were in desperate need of him. He eventually came to the conclusion that suffering is a common part of existence. Poor people suffer because they aspire to be wealthy, while rich people too.

Now the question is can we ever be genuinely content?

Everyone has issues. No matter how minor, problems of some kind come up in everyone's life on a daily basis. Little did we know that troubles are what keep us thinking and alive. Our brains come alive when we consider how to solve difficulties, and happiness follows from a problem's resolution.

Yes....Resolving issues brings happiness

Consider this: most of the issues we face are really ones we bring about. Yes, we are mostly responsible for the challenges we encounter in life; after all, a problem isn't truly a problem until it has a solution. That issue disappears if a solution can be found.

Contentment is an ongoing process. It takes ongoing effort to find solutions to our challenges. Nobody is handed happiness on a plate. Many people are unable of acknowledging that they even have issues and are living in total denial. They are not paying attention to reality. Short-term "happy" feelings pass, but they eventually become melancholy and insecure because they don't accept that they have issues.

Avoid being like the young man at the beginning. You will eventually find happiness if you pay attention to your surroundings and begin resolving each issue one at a time.

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