Reasons Against Pursuing Perfection

in life •  5 months ago 


We are brought up to give our all in whatever we do, starting at a young age. From the moment of our birth, we have been recognized for exceeding average achievements in a variety of fields, including academics, athletics, employment, and interpersonal connections. Our pursuit of perfection becomes into a way of life, and we begin to plan our existence to be ideal in every manner. The recordings that play in our heads, such as "what people will say" and "not good enough," eventually take over until we can no longer switch them off.

Despite the fact that most of us are aware that perfection is unattainable, we yet devote a great deal of time and effort to trying to please everyone. Perfectionism is essentially the assumption that we may lessen the hurt caused by criticism, hatred, guilt, and blame if we live a perfect life, behave perfectly, and dress perfectly. Perfectionism, in our opinion, will shield us from life's hardships and enable us to have complete control over our surroundings.

The Reasons Behind Our Search for Perfectionism
We strive for excellence because we are insecure about our reputation. In reality, we are searching for acceptance so that no one will be able to criticize us, even while we strive for perfection. All people have the urge to be loved, but the path to perfection starts when we believe we are unworthy and unworthy of love.

The quickest route to sadness, in my opinion, is also the way to excellence. Like a mirage, that is. When you get to that "certain" point, you believe there will be an escape, so you keep chasing perfection, only to have it go and leave you feeling let down time and time again. All that exists is an illusion of perfection that traps us in a never-ending loop of disappointment and misery. Putting down the perfection shield becomes incredibly daunting in a world where there are unrealistic expectations for every issue under the sun.
Giving up on people's opinions and feelings becomes extremely risky and frightening when you decide to give up on striving for perfection.

Reasons to Steer Clear of Perfection
Perfection is also unhealthy, as is obsession with everything. Let's talk about the issues that perfection brings up for us:

Perfectionism Causes Delays in Action
We begin putting things off while we search for the "ideal" answer to the problem at hand. Usually, the pursuit of perfection results in an anxiety attack that undermines our best efforts. It makes us lazy, and we begin putting off our task since we can't think of a way to do it well.

Perfectionism breeds erroneous beliefs.
Those who strive for perfection in everything frequently grow to feel superior to others. They begin to believe that they are superior to others and that they understand how to succeed in all facets of life. Furthermore, they begin to hold others who are less capable of them in lower regard. It produces an inflated sense of awareness that gives rise to a host of other issues, such as conceit.

Perfectionism impedes one's ability to grow personally.
Perfectionists typically fall into a routine where they perform the same things with great professionalism each day. They establish a strict schedule that inhibits flexibility and keeps them from taking advantage of fresh possibilities and experiences. Individuals who strive for perfection are closed off to trying fresh approaches to the same tasks. You improve your personal development and become a better person when you give yourself permission to embrace fresh perspectives and possibilities.

Perfectionism breeds annoyance
Being perfect has no set definition. You are not going to be flawless at all you do. There are always others who are more capable than you at doing a certain task. You draw sadness towards yourself when you believe that you are superior to everyone else and that you know everything. You can never be satisfied with this style of thinking, and you're constantly battling feelings of irritation and insecurity.

Health is negatively impacted by perfection.
Research indicates that the pursuit of flawlessness can result in significant health issues. Illness and excellence have a close connection. In our quest for perfection, we frequently attract stress, which exacerbates sleep issues, dietary deficiencies, and inactivity. Humans are adaptable by nature, enabling them to endure a variety of life's challenges. It's always a good idea to strive for excellence, but when we go beyond, it might negatively impact our health. The kind of perfection that encourages mindfulness and teaches us to appreciate both life's imperfections and its perfections is what we should always strive for.

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