New Message For Christian Singles - Is Fully Alive!

in life •  4 years ago 

What does the term "Fully Asleep" mean to you? Who in your own life represents somebody who's fully awake? What personality traits do they display? How do they behave, think, speak, or live? Each person who possesses this trait has a different definition of what fully awake means to them.

For some people, sharing and generosity go together. They feel that generosity has a very real meaning in life because giving is a form of connection. You don't have to give everything immediately in order to become a generous person. In fact, you have to take small steps toward greater generosity and take larger ones toward greater levels of generosity. A fully alive person feels gratitude and emphasizes the feeling of gratitude whenever they receive or give something.
A fully alive person gives because they have a feeling of connectedness and interconnectedness with everyone and everything. They realize that everyone has a part to play, and they feel connected to everybody in some way or another. This awareness extends into their daily interactions with others. When they are doing something that involves taking risks, they realize that doing things for the right reasons has bigger rewards than simply being rewarded based on how they feel.
When we are fully awake we know that we are responsible for our own health and well being. We spend time with ourselves and with others because we want to be healthy and happy. A fully alive person spends time with the people who are most important to them, and they remind themselves that they can't go to their family or to God unless they feel loved and supported.
One example of recognizing who you are and what you are capable of is found in the book of Acts. When the newly born Jesus set forth on his mission, he called himself "God Christ". The use of this word shows that he recognized himself as a vessel that is made for the purpose of carrying God's glory throughout the earth. The full awareness of who you are and what you were created for can't be bought. You have to discover it first, and then go forth and live according to the glory that you have been given.
I also recognize that God has placed certain requirements for those who become fully human. If we are to walk in freedom as promised by God, we must first become fully conscious of who we are. Then we can go forth and take risks because we know that we will find true joy when we follow God's footsteps. My goal isn't to define who I am. My goal is to encourage you to discover who you really are inside so that you can go forth and do what God has put your heart and soul through.
What makes us truly alive is the fact that we have absolute freedom. This is the only way that we know who we are and where we are going. We know that there is no one holding us back from doing what we know to be true. The way that we respond to life changes as we become fully conscious of who we are and the choices that we make. When we fully grasp the reality of these things, we can be at peace with ourselves and with the world.
My challenge to you is to continue to search deeply within yourself to find the things that move you towards this new vision of yourself. It is important that you don't get discouraged. The truth is that all along, God has been placing symbols in the air that people can catch hold of and follow. The kingdom of God is within you and it is up to you to let it flow through you so that you can become fully alive. It will never fail, so make the best out of it.

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