Alive and Thriving Challenge 2/21/2023- Mindfulness in Action

in life •  2 years ago 


Amazingly, almost 40% of Americans surveyed are working more than one job to survive.

Being alive and thriving means that we must maximize our attention on those we love when they are present.

Working more than one job means you don't have as much time for family, friend and hobbies. You must thrive in the moment, and practice mindfulness.

Being mindful means to be present in the moment. When we have less time to spend with those we love we need to maximize that time. We shouldn't be thinking about the past of the present we should be focused on here and the now. With so many of us working more hours, we need to be in the moment and listen to the concerns of our family. Listening is such a crucial skill, so focus on the message your loved ones are communicating and not just the words. Body language is so important to monitor as are the actions and stances of those we are communicating with.

In order to thrive, we need to make sure that we are present when we're around those that we care for. That means focusing on everything that's going on in the room, not looking at our phone and asking questions. We need to focus on quality over quantity of time when we lack time.

Quality time means time that is filled with activities and attention. When money is tight and we have to work multiple jobs it's okay to do free activities. Look for free events near you- there may be free times that you can visit venues to utilize what's there. Go to a park, have a picnic and go fishing.

When you have less time, you need to make the most of it. Make sure you're present, mindful and thankful for what you have. Keep your head up and keep thriving.

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