Alive and Thriving 2/27/2023- Making a plan

in life •  2 years ago 

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As a person who was once a procrastinator, I know the importance of making a plan and sticking to it. I used to waste my God-given time on Earth, and the weight of floating through life was like a thousand pounds of bricks on my back.

Thriving in 2023 means making a plan. For me, my plans are long-term and require forethought. The old phrase “I love it when a plan comes together” rings true, and the sum of all our decisions and plans (or lack thereof) has lead us to this present moment in time. Our station in life is dictated by plans, so I decided to make plans to thrive in this life.

Writing down your goals and making plans helps one thrive by providing a defined path with an end goal, but also as a way to keep cheerful during hard work. Some parts of even the best-laid plans can be difficult, boring or painful. We need to focus on the goal and steps to get there to solidify an end result.

Many people have asked me about my productivity “hacks”, and the one consistent answer I give for any endeavor is a written plan. Building the plan can take input, and a community of experts at home and at work helps.

These last few years have been challenging and novel. They have required the use of strong planning and consultation with experts. When things looked bleak, we turned to one another and discovered new ways to overcome adversity.

Make a plan and hold yourself to it. Self-discipline and a sense of urgency help to make a plan a reality. Floating through life without guidance or effort will add weight to your soul. Thriving to me means having your own purpose and holding yourself accountable.

Accountability is another required piece of being alive and thriving. Who will hold my feet to the fire and make me see the error of my ways or the joy in my endeavors? Ultimately it’s me, and to be driven by internal forces is so much more powerful than being driven by external carrots and sticks. Be the master of your own destiny, grab the reins (no matter how cliché that is) for these plans and a sense of accountability will drive you to greater things.

Thanks for reading my blog. My wish for you is the best. Have a blessed day.

#alive #aliveandthriving #wearealive

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