Understanding our Self Worth

in life •  2 years ago 

There are times when some very brilliant people go unnoticed or fail in life and I wonder why. As per my understanding one thing I can think of is, probably they lack self-worth. They under estimate themselves. I have come across people who have no brains and no skills but still have exceled in life and one common thing I see in them is their self confidence and belief in themselves.

Everyone has an opinion about their own self-worth. Some times we know what we have to do and we still do not do it. Fear is one important aspect that holds us back. Fear of failure of fear of being judged by others. In that bargain we stay behind and not come up to our capabilities that we hold. There are so many times it happens with me also. A thought comes up in my mind as a spark and in that moment I feel so energetic and motivated to do it, but with time as other thoughts start taking over then all those ifs and buts start clogging my mind, and eventually the spark goes off.

Have you faced this? Then yes somewhere we lack our confidence and we doubt ourselves if we can accomplish it or not. When I get clogged up with such self-defeating thoughts then I start over riding them with good positive thoughts like if I do it then there will be only 2 results I will either succeed or I will fail. If I succeed it will be good, and if I fail then what will be the consequences. Weighing those consequences of what impact it will bring on me either I decide to move on or then completely drop off.


I am writing this today, as some incident happened in our family which took a legal route. For the last 2 months me and my family have been trying to find out solutions to deal with the matter, and somewhere we felt that we were just not good enough to deal with it and the opposition party was much stronger than us. We felt that we were not capable of handling the situation and fighting against that person. We had a lot of doubts in our mind if there was any point to move forward or just surrender. But then surrendering meant making the wrong take over and win.
We weighed out all our options that if we would lose the case what would we have to lose, and we realized that we actually didn't have anything much to lose except for some money which we could afford. But if the opposite person lost he had too much to lose. So finally with all conviction we moved ahead, though a lot of people tried to demotivate us.

This will happen in life, people will try to drag you down if they feel you are a threat to them, that does not mean that you do not have the capability, those are only their fears. We need to understand our own self-worth and move forward in life. Finally after 2 months our case is seeing some light and now I am hopeful that we can fight this person and get our things back from him.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think those brilliant people should just do it the right way. Sometimes we put so much energy in something or someone without the return we expected. That's why we should keep looking for the best place to realize ourselves and for the best people to be in touch with. Really motivational post and it shows your rich experience in life. Well done ! ☺

Thank you @clixmoney. True, there are times when we give our best and we still do not succeed but there is a lesson in that also, may be that's not meant for you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This post has been manually upvoted by @epistem

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