The Tolerance level of People is going down

in life •  3 years ago 

In certain areas of life I am not sure if we are progressing or going backwards. You open up a Newspaper and you get to read all sorts of crimes happening in the world around and it is so disturbing, specially when you read about Children and the Youth....

I have stopped reading the Newspaper, because when I open up the Newspaper all I get to read about is crimes and suicides. Teenagers committing suicide for small things, people killing each other for irrelevant things. For miniscule things people decide to end their lives and this clearly shows how much of tolerance level the new generation has. Every day we get to hear these type of incidents happening in all different forms.

This raises a big question. How are we raising our Children? What is the mental health level of the younger generation. Something small happens and they just take off, sometimes they get outrageous or sometimes they just don't have the capacity to deal with it. Even if 10% of our younger generation is moving in this direction it is not good and a clear threat. Children are getting into depression and their stress levels are increasing and this is happening for very petty matters, which clearly shows they are not well equipped to handle the pressures of life.


I have even seen this in the Corporate lives. The demands are more and the commitment towards work is less. Easy lives are expected, they do not like anyone giving them instructions. I worked for an organization with a size of 100000 and the number of grievance cases that used to come from the age group of 24 to 30 was the highest, and it would take us days to make them understand some simple matters.

There are a lot of reasons why they must have grown up in such a capacity but at the end of it all said and done the parents play a major role in their development. So if I have to blame someone then it is clearly the Parents.
Parents get so busy in their own work life that many a times they miss out on these little aspects of their children growing up. I personally feel that till a child is 15 years old, the child needs a constant hand holding. Parents need to be vigilant about their behavior and expressions. While they give their children their space they also need to be equally at a watch.

Intolerance has it's own aspects. It is sometimes good that they have it, but only against wrong things happening and not getting subdued by it, then the intolerance is accepted, but what action is being taken towards the intolerance is more important. While a small group of them are in the weaker category there is a big side of them on the other side who are bold and courageous and going all out to conquer the world. Along with intolerance if they can also have a sense of responsibility then that is the perfect combination for them.


Parents need to focus on Children's mental health and be attentive towards their behavior. The younger generations will be the pillars for tomorrow, the foundations have to be strong so that in turn they can do good for their next generations as well.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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I choose this one.

or going backwards.

I also wish to correct, at least here in the US, the blame on parents. The plural needs be dropped for many, as men have growingly found themselves pushed out of parental roles other that as a financial contributor. A vast amount of men are kicked from the homes and at most see their kids 4 days a month during visitation and get no say in the mothers household on the childs upbringing.

It has been known for years now that the majority of incarcerated come from these broken homes where dad has been absent. It also increases the childs likelihood of living in poverty.

I could go on listing the many devastating effects separating fathers from their children are having but the evidence is all around us. Which is why I have begun correcting the use of parents when I see these subjects brought up. The women here in the US have made a concerted effort to push men out with the judicial and political endorsement, and now they must own the consequences and stop trying to shift the blame on those no longer allowed in many of these cases to be part of the equation.

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