Some days High and Some days Low

in life •  last year 

There are days when you do not want to do anything, you just want to laze around. You know you are wasting all of your day but still you feel it is ok. Do you get such feelings ever?
I do get it once in a way and I very conveniently chose to listen to my heart and follow. I do not play that Hero type, Oh that I have to do something and not let my day go wasted. I do some basic things that I have to for the day and then I just laze around. I believe that it is fine once in a while to give this break to yourself. Life is not a race that we need to keep running all the time. Yes but if one keeps getting this feeling very often then that's a sign of a lazy person and that definitely is a waste of time.

Our body is the most advance machine or computer we can say. It is a very intelligent system and gives triggers exactly of what it wants, so it may genuinely be needing a break and rest time. Specially this happens if I have had some very hectic days, then before getting onto the routine I prefer to take this 1 day break to get back all the energy again.

Some days are full of energy when there is so much happening, more then expected and required and then some days are just lull. I prefer life like this rather then a set routine where I need to follow the clock. When I was working, sometimes even after a hectic day at work at the end of the day I used to feel that I was so unproductive. I was doing the same thing everyday and boredom was setting in completely. At the end of the day there was no feeling of satisfaction, rather it used to leave me thinking what am I doing, just working like a machine and I so much wanted to break free from that stereotype routine.


Now I do not have any one particular job, I have diversified myself into doing all that I enjoy. A little bit of Corporate world also still exist in my schedule but at my pace. I feel much more healthier mentally then before. I still have many more things on my mind to do but at this point of time my hands are full so gradually will make some amendments and then take up my new assignments. At this point of time I am focusing a lot on healing work also and it's all going fine. I spend quite some time blogging and then a lot of other odd jobs that I have taken up, but in all my days are just going the way I want.

Sometimes I feel that most part of our lives we are running around things, doing things that do not really matter and wasting our energy. I always believe in channelizing my energy into something that I feel is of value, but that does not mean it may mean the same to another person. Just for e.g. I do not enjoy cooking much and whenever I am in the kitchen I feel too much of energy drain but at the same time if I spend that time teaching, studying or doing healing work I feel very energized. I believe life is different for all and there is no one formula for everyone. The only single formula that is common for all is Love.

I love this song of Bon Jovi “It’s my life. And it’s now or never”, so apt for one to live a carefree life.
How do you feel about the way you spend your days and life?
Are you enjoying what you are doing?
Are you doing what your heart desires?
I leave you with these thoughts to ponder on........

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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  ·  last year  ·  

As long as one does not outbalance the other 👍

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, all is well when it is balanced

  ·  last year  ·  

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