Me in my younger version vs now

in life •  last month 

Times change and so with it even our personalities change. When I look back at my life journey I feel there have been so many changes in me. At some point of time in my life, I was so carefree, nothing bothered me much, everything was easy going, but it's not the same any more. Now it's like, I think about the consequences of every action, everything is planned, there are very few random things happening else most of it is all planned out.

In my younger days, I would feel my elders are rigid and they do not understand me, and somewhere I see my Son in that position now. I guess we keep changing with life and age, our thoughts, our ways everything changes. In my younger days I would barely think before spending money, I would spend on things that would make me feel good, but now I keep looking for value in what I am spending. If there is no value, it does not interest me. My dad was like that and I never understood his ways then. I would feel at times that he was behaving miser and not willing to spend money, but then now when I look at myself I am almost doing the same things that they did. I guess my Dad also went through the same experience because he would always tell me, you will not understand it now.


Life goes on in circles and somethings we just learn with age. I believed that in some ways I will never change no matter however old I get, but then changes have come through in all areas of life. From a careless and irresponsible adult I have seen myself transitioning into a disciplined and a very responsible person. As a person what I am today, I never imagined myself to be that way in my younger days. Truly life is full of mysteries. When I talk to my Son I tell him the same things that with time everything changes, he denies that as of now, but I know it will happen. I see him exactly in my place where I was 25 years back and I know that the change will come through to him as well.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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  ·  last month  ·  

A very insightful short post. I identify completely with you on this.

  ·  last month  ·  

As we say, the circle of life :-)

  ·  last month  ·  

So true, in many ways!

In some ways it feels like I was "born old" because I generally took a fairly conservative approach to living... but I have still changed a lot. And now my wife and I are approaching the years of downsizing, as we embark on the journey of selling the house we have lived in for many years because it is simply too big for us and our kids (now in their mid-30s) don't really come this way any more.

But all stages of life are ultimately an adventure, in some way, don't you think?

  ·  last month  ·  

That's another story, that we build up everything around them and then one fine day they are gone and all that we had build up for them feels of no use to us. I am kind of a mix one, in some ways very conservative and in some places loud.
As you say ultimately it's all an adventure