Fear is a disempowering emotion to live with, in every aspect of life. The feeling of fear is not only limited to the world in which we live, but also encompasses all that we experience both personally and socially. This article will explore some ways in which you can use fear to empower yourself instead of living in fear all the time.
If fear is not empowerment, what is it? The word "power" itself frames it; without power, nothing is possible. Thus, if you do not use fear to become powerful in your life, then what is the point of doing so? Why do we even need to empower ourselves with fear if we are not going to make ourselves powerful?
Fear is a tremendously malignant emotion. It saps the energy out of us, preventing us from pursuing our dreams and becoming who we really are. It prevents us from being who we really are. Fear is therefore not only a negative emotion but also one that impact our emotions, health, relationships, and entire life. It is thus important that we understand how to become empowered by confronting fear in all its forms.
One way to use fear to become empowered is to confront it. This is easier said than done though. Some people are too afraid to take a chance, worried that they might fail or do something wrong. Some people are afraid to try new things because of the fear that they might fail. Others have their fears based on true experiences from the past. Still others have learned to deal with fear through various conditioning techniques.
So how do we get over our fears and empower ourselves? We try to face our fears head on and deal with them as we come to grips with them. We ask ourselves questions like: "Why am I afraid?" or "How does fear affect me?"
Once we start to answer the question or learn the answer to the question, we can move on to dealing with it. Sometimes fear is so strong that its effects are felt right away. We may feel shaky and trembling, our heart rate increases, our temperature rises, and we become very uncomfortable. We may begin to sweat, our hands become sweaty, and we can feel clammy inside. We feel anxious and uncomfortable in a way that's completely foreign to us.
This is where you can start to transform your life. You begin to use fear as a motivator and you find ways to empower yourself so that fear is no longer a factor in your life. Maybe you avoid places that make you feel uncomfortable. Or maybe you start to laugh at yourself in front of the mirror.
Empowerment allows us to be free. Fear binds us and limits us in so many ways. We can choose to let fear walk on us and be a motivator or we can use fear as a shield and protect ourselves from the harsh realities of life. Either way, we are bound to feel less fearful and more empowered in every aspect of our life.
Let me share with you a simple exercise to help you deal with fear. I call it my "counterattack." What do I mean by that? Basically, when you feel yourself getting angry, I simply get angry with myself for feeling that way. So the next time that fear is an issue in your life, I'll go ahead and counter attack by feeling angry for making myself feel this way.
This exercise takes about 2 minutes and will help you eliminate fear from your life. It also empowers you by helping you to release the negative emotions associated with fear. If you can master this skill, then you will be able to eliminate fear from your life. After mastering this skill, you'll find that fear is no longer a factor in your life. Instead, you'll be able to move through your day with no worries and in control.
For example, let's say that you're going to do an interview for a job. When you're preparing for the interview, you probably overanalyze what the employer is looking for in an employee. As a result, you get really worked up and start to get anxious about your performance. Instead of letting your fears stop you from getting the job, it would be a good idea to use fear as a tool and to channel your anxiety into something positive.
Remember that fear is a powerful emotion to live with but if we learn how to harness its power, then it's not something that will stop us from achieving our goals. We need to recognize when fear is holding us back and we need to channel our energy into something positive like getting that new job. Remember that fear is a very real thing, but if we use fear as a tool, it will no longer hold us back.