Temperament and Personality

in life •  3 years ago 

Temperament and personality are different but related concepts. While temperament is about what a person is genetically programmed to do, personality has a range of influences from environment and ongoing experiences. In general, temperament is genetic and cannot be changed. However, understanding your temperament can help you cope with the traits you exhibit. However, there is more to personality than temperament. Read on to learn more about these concepts and how they affect your personality.

Among the five temperament types, there are those that correspond to fear and anger. These temperament traits are part of the self-module and are characterized by varying levels of activity. The other temperament types are more general and include traits such as ego-strength and transpersonal identity. The presence of either of these types of temperament may indicate whether a person is highly active or sedentary.

Temperament and personality are often described in contrast, but most people fall somewhere along the spectrum. During childhood, temperament can influence a child's responses to the environment and their persistence and effort in learning. These reactions may affirm or deter certain behaviors or preferences. Temperament is a set of inborn traits and is relatively stable. A study of 1,239 participants found a link between neuroticism and adverse mental health outcomes.

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