Realize Your Deepest Values And Become A Better Human Being

in life •  4 years ago 

How do we find our deepest values and beliefs? It's a process of reflective quieting. We need to get clear about what we stand for, and not just generalities. Once you do this, you can then work on developing your inner strengths and weaknesses, in alignment with your values.

As I have said many times before, traveling alone is a great experience. The solitude is refreshing and it gives you the chance to get away from the chaos of life, focusing on your own experience. For those of us who lead busy lives, having some time alone is particularly important. You can then develop deeper personal values by finding your own solo comfort zones.

One thing that you must do as you work on discovering your deepest values is to identify a powerful source of inspiration. Think about what it is that inspires you most. Is it spending time with family and friends? Perhaps it's enjoying the great outdoors? Perhaps it's visiting historic sites?

As you begin to identify your own personal inspiring things, come back to reality and ask yourself if you are living your life according to your deepest values. If so, then ask yourself whether those values are letting you enjoy the real changes life goes through each and every day. Are you accepting responsibility for making your own real changes in life? If not, then you must find a way to become accepting of responsibility for all of the changes that life goes through. Only then can you live your life according to your values.

If you don't accept personal responsibility for making real changes in your life, then you will never discover your deepest values and you will remain stuck in a rut. It takes accepting personal responsibility to overcome change. One of the most powerful ways to overcome obstacles and to discover your values is to go back to where you came from. It is always easier to move forward when you begin with a clean slate.

When you go back to where you came from, you can look at bad things as opportunities for growth and you can also look at those things as challenges. You can use the opportunity provided by bad things as a springboard to help you discover your deepest values and you can use those same opportunities to help you overcome obstacles in your life. As you begin to learn your values, you will also begin to notice all of the bad things in your life. As you become more aware of bad things, you will find that you can turn those things around to become good things.

As you go forward and as you begin to discover your own personal mission and your deepest values, you will realize that your job is not done. You still have more to do. Rather than focusing on what you know and what you have done, focus on what you want to do, what you want to learn, and what you want to be. Focus on setting goals and creating plans. The only limit to your personal mission and your deepest values is the limit to your imagination.

In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill provides many important life lessons and insights. He provides clarity to how we can develop the characteristics and habits that will help us to become the successful person that we are capable of being. To learn what those characteristics and habits are, you will want to look at his book. For those of you who want to learn how to overcome obstacles and make positive changes, this is a great book.

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