How Does Frustration Makes You Feel Bad?

in life •  3 years ago 

Frustration makes you feel bad in many different ways. If you are dealing with a difficult situation at work or in your personal life, frustration can make you feel physically ill and mentally fatigued. Sometimes it also leads to feelings of hopelessness or sadness. But deep down inside, the pain and frustration are causing you to lash out in unproductive ways that do nothing but hurt yourself further. And if this happens often, you might find yourself feeling downright depressed.

Frustration makes you feel bad when you don't get what you want from your life. When you want something and you still don't have it, that makes you feel bad. And if you've been there before when you wanted the same thing and you still had to settle for less than you were hoping for, that makes you feel bad too. Frustration makes you feel bad when you don't accomplish the things in your life you want to achieve.

When you start to feel mad and frustrated at everything, you begin to lose control of yourself. You become more depressed and anxious. It can almost feel like an addiction, because nothing is really going right. You start to worry that you will never be able to get what you want out of life. Frustration makes you feel bad if you don't know what to do anymore.

When you become totally consumed by frustration you lash out at those who are close to you. You can't stand the thought of being around them any longer. It makes you feel bad when you are frustrated and you lash out at them. Your friends and loved ones can become your worst enemy when you take out your frustrations on them. If you are constantly fighting with your spouse or significant other, that also makes you feel bad.

Sometimes you might get so mad that you'll resort to hitting those people who make you feel bad. This usually escalates into all out attacks on your closest friends and family members. When this happens it makes you feel bad and angry all over again. It can feel like you've made a huge mistake by acting so quickly to anger.

When you're out in public and someone makes you mad, you can't stop thinking about it. You immediately try and figure out what you're going to say to try and make it go away. Even if you don't have anything nice to say, you'll think about it and then say it. Focusing on the person who makes you mad makes you feel bad.

Being mad at someone makes you feel bad even if it doesn't seem like anything. You might jump to a conclusion that it's absolutely the right thing to do and you will tell yourself you'll do it. It really isn't until you try it that you realise it's just not going to work. When you do finally stand up to someone and tell them how you feel, you may find that they've moved on before you do. They may even laugh at you. You could end up feeling worse than when you started!

Remember that everyone reacts differently to situations. If you're feeling even mildly upset or mad, there is no need to act on it. Just ignoring the feeling won't make it go away.

Feeling frustrated also makes you feel bad because you can't control your negative emotions. Sometimes, you can let yourself be pulled in and it won't feel so bad. However, this isn't a solution because instead of controlling your feelings, you become angry and hurt. You might even get into a big fight. Feeling frustrated is not easy but you shouldn't let frustration take over your life.

Sometimes, just knowing that you are frustrated makes it easier for you to control your anger and reactions. Just thinking about being frustrated can calm you down. Being mad at someone or something is perfectly normal. The difference is that when it gets out of control, you start to feel bad.

You probably already know how to control yourself from being too frustrated. Just focus on the present and what is happening. Try to remember how things were when you were much happier. This will help you feel better so that you don't lash out at those who make you feel bad.

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