Coping with Change: Strategies for Embracing Transitions and Finding Stability

in life •  2 years ago 

"I've been a professional freelancer for seven years now. During that time I've had to adapt my strategy in order to remain relevant and continue to generate business.

I'm going to share with you how I've changed my strategy over time and how you can adapt yours too. If you want to start your freelance career or you're stuck in the middle, then you need to read this."

Here are some specific tips about how to survive and thrive when you're starting a freelance career.

STEP 1: Choose a Strategy That Fits You

First, pick a strategy that fits you. I used to try to fit in all situations, but I found that this was unsustainable and ultimately left me in the position of "just getting by".

Start by defining the types of clients you are looking to work with. This will help you build a portfolio of work that will resonate with these clients. Then, find a niche in which you can thrive.

STEP 2: Understand the Niche

Niche refers to the field of work you want to specialize in. For example, if you want to be an expert in online marketing, then you'll be focusing your efforts on that particular area.

I used to work in web design, but I didn't have a clear focus. So, I tried to make myself useful in other areas such as social media marketing. This left me without a strong foundation in my niche, and without an audience.

In the beginning, you should have a very specific niche. There's no point in being vague about what you do. After you know your niche, you can decide on which parts of the strategy you want to put focus on.

STEP 3: Develop a Portfolio

You'll need to have a portfolio of work to show potential clients. This will help you demonstrate the level of expertise you have.

This doesn't mean that your entire portfolio has to be free. You can sell your past work and your skillset. If you've got a solid track record, it'll be much easier to sell these things.

The best place to start is with websites. You can create websites on sites such as Squarespace or Wix, then use a template creator like Canva to make designs.

If you don't have a website, consider a blog. It's a great way to showcase your work and give readers a glimpse into your personality.

STEP 4: Get Feedback

As your business grows, you'll need to seek feedback. Find local businesses and other professionals who do what you do and ask them for feedback.

These individuals have the insight you need.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Change is inevitable