A weekend celebrating my mum's birthday

in life •  7 months ago 

Me and Mary spent this last weekend in Verona, to celebrate my mother’s birthday.

We arrived on Friday evening for dinner.

My mum always cooks amazing things when we go there and I think I burnt some karma there as last week I was fasting on Friday and Mary enjoyed some great fish, and vegetables.

Still, I ended my 1-day fasting on Saturday breakfast and I enjoyed a loooot it as well.

The last weekend, for me, has been mostly working and planning things that are going to happen in the coming weeks.

I am working on a document for the integration of a Community token to incentivize plastic recycling and the revamping of the national website of our Yoga school.

Quite a work, but I love it! Both of them!

Anyway, Weekends are supposed to be fun, therefore I am going to share details about all the great food we had.

Let’s start from Saturday’s lunch. We ate some great pumpkin ravioli, that are traditional ravioli, filled with pure pumpkin and nutmeg.


With second course, we had some roasted radish and cauliflower with pearà. Pearà is a typical dish from Verona and is made out of broth (we used vegetal broth), fine bread crumbs and pepper. It’s born as a very poor dish that our grandparents used to eat a lot to save broth and bread and to have something hot to eat. This dish is amazingly tasty but none outside Verona cooks it in Italy. It’s usually eaten with meat, roasted or boiled, but since I am not eating meat anymore, we decided to make it the “veggie version”.

Pearà is surely one of my absolute favourite dishes as it’s very simple, tasty and it comes very well with many different side-dishes (meat in the past, a lot of vegetables now with mid-seasoned cheeses).




For Sunday’s breakfast and lunch we got some interesting dessert from a traditional pastry in Verona. It’s one of the most famous and still, has very honest prices if compared to the quality of the food they prepare.
We bought Ofella for breakfast, which is another traditional dish from Verona, that is the “high quality version” of Pandoro.



Ofella once started, you can see how well is levitated

And then, one of the most famous Italian desserts which is “Millefoglie” literally “thousand layers” as it’s made of puff pastry and cream. This pastry, called Perbellini, is the most renowned in Verona for this dessert as it makes it with the best quality of ingredients and the result is astonishing.


So, as I said, a dense working weekend BUT we managed to spend great time with my mum.

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