They Are Just Excuses!

in life •  2 years ago 

A good excuse can be a mighty fine way to exonerate yourself from an undesirable outcome. It's an excellent means of self-deception, and can easily slip into even the closest of relationships. While it's true that a genuine reason will likely get you to where you're going, there's a better way.

For instance, a reasonable excuse can be to skip tv time to go exercise. Exercise is never too old. Even kids can get into it. If your family doesn't have the budget for exercise, a good workout can be done with body weight exercises.

As far as the most effective use of your time, it's difficult to beat exercise. The most important thing to remember is to commit to a goal and follow through. You'll have to spend some time implementing your plan and learning the system in order to be successful.

For starters, the most efficient way to make the most of your time is to pick one small goal and stick to it. Doing so will pay dividends in the long run. This is particularly the case if you're trying to lose weight. By dedicating time and resources to your fitness goals, you'll be able to see your body change for the better.

A great excuse can be to relegate a task to the past, or to simply avoid conflict. These types of excuses are especially common in the workplace, where many people tend to be defensive. They're also a good way to recast yourself in a more favorable light, if only because you'll be able to ignore those annoying bosses.

Explanations on the other hand are a bit less obvious, and often more subtle. Examples of such a feat of human psychology include the explanation of why you broke the law, or why you didn't win that game. However, the best way to tell the best excuse from the rest is to examine the situation in question. What is the underlying message behind your ill-advised use of an excuse?

The most effective excuses are those that minimize the perception of controllability and intentionality. Similarly, the most effective explanations will also promote humility, albeit in a non-threatening manner. To do this, you'll need to invest in a good quality reason and some solid self-control.

One last note: when it comes to the most effective excuses, it's usually the smallest amount that will get you the most bang for your buck. Although it's tempting to make the most expensive excuse possible, you'll be much better off if you focus on what matters most.

There are a lot of things that you can do to help you succeed. You'll need a strong vision for your future, the motivation to overcome your excuses, and some discipline in order to keep the process moving. Once you've done these things, you'll be a more effective worker and happier, resulting in a happier family. Just be sure to pick the most important thing to focus on, and you'll be on the right track to a more productive and happier life.

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