Self-Development - Stop the Leaks and Reframe

in life •  2 years ago 

Reframing is an important skill for the self-development practitioner. This technique involves re-presenting an issue to yourself from a new perspective. The goal is not to change a situation, but to transform a belief that is preventing you from making progress. While the term Reframing may be intimidating, it is not actually a barrier to your success. Here are some methods that will help you start using it in your daily life.

Reframing is not just a perceived obstacle
In the book Stop the Leaks and Reframe, author Matt Walsh shares his experience of defeating a seemingly mundane obstacle. He explains that the perceived obstacle is not so important, as your attitude and reaction to it. In everyday life, too, this strategy applies. Instead of being discouraged by a perceived obstacle, he says, try to see it as a learning opportunity.

Reframing issues is an important tool to solve problems, make decisions, and learn. The process can be used to develop critical thinking and creative thinking skills. You can learn more about reframing topics by clicking the link below. There are also free online resources you can use to learn more. If you'd like to read a book on this topic, check out our Recommended Books section. These books are carefully chosen for their practical and relevant nature.

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