Abatement of Negativity in the Subconscious Mind

in life •  3 years ago 

The abatement of negativity in the sub-conscious mind is a process that works by using repetition to program the mind. The subconscious mind saves information with no bias, and it learns through repetition. When you repeatedly hear a thought, such as "I am not good enough," your subconscious mind will overwrite that thought. It's harder to remove etched-in information. A simple way to combat this is to tell yourself "A no is not" and replace the negative thought with a positive one.

A negative thought is one of the most powerful traps in our lives. We tend to think negatively about ourselves, others, or the world around us. This trap leads us to believe that our thoughts are true, and that they are a result of the negative thinking we've experienced. But this is not true. When we do not react to these thoughts, they gain power. They can create negative feelings and emotions in us.

Once a person begins to recognize the existence of negative thoughts, they can label them and start thinking positively. The subconscious mind is constantly trying to protect us, and it's intended to do so. It's also hard to dismiss negative thoughts and keep them from overtaking our minds. Nevertheless, we can try to distract ourselves from negative thoughts by enlarging the negativity.

When you are thinking negatively, you can try to distract yourself with humor. The subconscious mind can't be stopped by a negative thought or negative words. You can use humor to make your thoughts less severe. The most popular technique for reprogramming the sub-conscious mind is to ask yourself "Will it matter in five years?". By answering this question, you're telling the subconscious that the negative event will not be as important as they are today.

The subconscious mind is always ready to discourage you from doing something important. If you're not careful, your subconscious mind will prevent you from accomplishing it. If you are serious about a goal, it is better to take action. But if you're not sure how to do it, then the best way is to do it by yourself. You should try to be positive every time you think.

It's important to label negative thoughts and emotions. You can also ignore them. When you're worried, it will be more difficult to make positive decisions. By ignoring or distracting yourself, you can use humor to help your subconscious mind process negative thoughts. When you laugh, you tell your subconscious not to take the negativity you're thinking about to be serious.

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