The story of how we got a pet bunny/s

in life •  4 years ago 

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This story happened three years ago it was one week from my little brother's birthday and my parents had a great gift in mind.

My parents hadn't told us what it was back then. They only told us that we were getting a pet bunny when we were on our way to pick it up.

Now my brother was excited all he had talked about for those last few months were about rabbits and how cool it would be to have one as a pet.

On the website that we were buying the bunny from said that it was a girl so my parents were like 'oh okay let's get this one.'

Now when we got there my parents and my little brother went and got the bunny, the owners had brought it from the pet shop and they had told them that it was a girl.

Anyway, when they came back they had the bunny in a box that had hay and some lettuces inside so the bunny wouldn't freak out as much. The owners had named the bunny Francisca so we keep the name as Francisca so she would feel more at home.

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After one week my parents were like 'we're gonna get another girl bunny so Francisca wouldn't feel so lonely.'

So my parents went online and they found a lady that ran a rabbit farm. So over the phone, my parents said that we already have one female rabbit and that we are wanting another female.

Now the lady told us to bring Francisca so she could make sure that she was a girl because sometimes the pet shop sells them saying that they are one gender but they are the other gender.

So my parents were like 'okay, sure?' Now after one long drive with six people in a minivan with a bunny is not pleasant as it might seem.

Now when we got there all I could say is 'my mind was blown by the amount of cuteness that I was seeing'. There were heaps of bunny of all ages and sizes.

So anyway the lady that my parents talked to over the phone gave her Francisca so she could go see and make sure of the gender.

After two minutes she came back and told us something we weren't expecting that Francisca wasn't a girl but a guy.

So my dad was like 'Okay now the name is Frank because Frank kind of sounded like Francisca but for a guy.'

So we were all like oh okay we got a guy now and the lady was like do you still want a girl?'

And we were like 'yes?' So my sister ended up choosing the girl, she ended up picking a white bunny that had chocolate brown eyes that were huge. The lady told us that she was too young to go now so we ended up waiting three weeks until we got the bunny.

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And that was how we go a pet bunny/s.

These photos aren't mine all the credit goes to the original owners, this photos look similar to the ones we had.


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