There's news about another pppkkkkmm plan at 62. For you, Hive residents, you want the economy to die again if PPK...m. People who sell can't, find food difficult.. Yes, those who have a lot of money can eat well from their savings and those who have a fixed salary do not work.
The key is from the rating on media and social media. The government enforces pppkkkkmmmm again if the news rating about the pickpockets they spread is high, if it's low, it means that people don't believe it anymore.
Besides, if it's just the flu, you just don't have to check it yourself, you don't have to check with anything... use PCCCr or whatever about the pickpockets.
That way the kopettt rating both on social media, youtube, tiktok and others is low, plus people who are sick don't go to the hospital, meaning that pickpockets are low.
If it's low, it's not possible, pppkkkkmm anymore. You can imagine the streets are closed, shops are closed, roadside sellers are banned.. there are no more people celebrating, school children are at home again... just die and the fuel is already high.
so don't comment, share, like or check with dr or rs if it's just the flu.... the kopett will disappear.
Ada berita-berita rencana pppkkkmm lagi di 62. Buat kamu warga Hive mau ekonomi mati lagi kalau PPK...m. Orang jualan gak bisa , cari makan susah.. la iya yang punya banyak duit bisa makan enak dari tabungan sama yang punya gaji tetap kerja-gak kerja.
Kuncinya adalah dari rating di media dan sosial media. Pemerintah memberlakukan pppkkkkmmm lagi kalau rating berita tentang kopet yang mereka sebarkan tinggi kalau rendah artinya masyarakat udah kagak percaya.
Selain itu kalau cuma flu obatin sendiri aja gak usah ceck ceck pake apalah .. pake pcccr atau apalah tentang kopet kopet itu.
Dengan begitu rating kopettt baik di sosial media , youtube tiktok dan lainya rendah ditambah lagi orang yang sakit gak pada ke rumah sakit artinya kopet itu rendah.
Kalau dah rendah gak mungkin dong pppkkkmm lagi. Kamu bisa bayangkan jalan-jalan ditutup , toko-toko tutup penjual pinggir jalan di larang.. gak ada lagi orang hajatan, anak sekolah di rumah lagi ... mampus aja ditambah lagi bbm sudah tinggi.
makanya jangan komen, share , like atau periksa ke dr atau rs jika cuma flu.... kopet bakalan hilang.
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