Failed state

in life •  2 years ago 

Indonesia is a big country. However, it is managed by humans, which I don't like. The election postponement operation is a picture of how people want to be in power forever. After the delay is successful, can we be sure there will be no more delays.

When the highest constitution or rules can be messed up by the courts below them... actually this country is finished.

If in 2030 Indonesia becomes a failed state, the indications are already there...and clear.

If the election is postponed all political positions become gray. If I say that as lay people, all members of the council are invalid. Presi... it's not legal, it means that the country is experiencing a vacuum of power. And this is very dangerous... the most legitimate party takes over power, yes, soldiers... a. Then the army will hold new elections, a legitimate leader will be elected.... Unless the election is postponed and everyone is in control, a legitimate country, according to them, is like a country that was in a coup d'état. The state became legal under the coup leader.

Ok, let's see if this country becomes a failed state, how many will it break? ....Ac--uh, it's clear to be your own country. Maybe the Maluku islands will also stand alone. Kalima....tantan pap....I'm sure you'll be free. The rest is Java...and a small part of Sumatra...well maybe going to have to use a passport..

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