My Experience Treating My Son That Suferred from Typhoid Fever

in life •  3 months ago 

My son got fever for 7 days. The first day, I gave him paracetamol. Then the fever cooled down. Yet, his body temperature increased again after three days. I decided to bring him to a clinic. The health worker gave him antibiotic and higher dosage of paracetamol but the temperature was still high.


Finally, my son got blood checked on Friday. My son started to suffer fever from Sunday evening. At 7 p.m I got called from the clinic. The test stated that my son suffered from Typhoid fever.
Typhoid fever is an illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi.

She suggested that my son should be hospitalized but I asked the health worker to get the medicine only. I wanted to take care of my son at home. The health worker gave the antibiotic and vitamin for the typhoid fever. She said that there were some viruses in the blood. The virues could be dengue fever.

On Friday Evening, I gave the typhoid antibiotic. My son was gettting better. He could eat normally without vomitting. He was going better. In the morning, I felt calm. On Saturday evening, my son felt very weak though the temperature was normal. He still ate normally but he did nothing. There was no smile. He stayed in bed all the time.

There was red rash on the skin. I started to panic. It could be dengue fever. I got advice from my neighbour to give my son *Fufang E'jiao Jiang (FEJ) *. It is a chinese medicine to increase blood cells.

I bought the medicine in a drug store. The price of each bottle was $2. It was 20 ml per bottle. I gave him a bottle at once. After an hour, I saw the difference on my son. He woke up and did some activities with his sisters. He started to play. In the middle of the night, I gave one more bottle. I also gave my son guava juice to increase his immunity.

In the morning, my son woke up and said that he was hungry. Then, I made bread with some milk on it. He ate hungrily. I still gave fufang to my son until Sunday. After Sunday, my son had fully recovered. He drank 7 bottles of fufang and three litres of guava juice in 2 days.


Now, he can go to school and play out again with his friends. Thanks God. From my story, I recomend Fufang as the medication if there is someone near you who suffers from blood deficiency. Dengue fever will cause the blood deficiency.


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