The Final Notice , for the Final Time , for the Final Year Examination ( I'm Ready )

in life •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone ,
How are all the readers doing ? I hope everyone is doing good in their life.

In the past few days i was not active much due to my examinations. I am doing all my pending works , assignments , and preparation.

Today the notice has arrived and the final year examination date is now out.

here is the Notice that we recieved from the college.


The datesheet is out as well and i will be giving my exams on 29th June , 1st , 3rd , and 5th July.

So in total my exams will be over in a week. Probably with in the first week of July i will be done with my examination.

I just hope to give my best as always and score good. My viva and theory , I will give my best in both.

I know everyone's luck is with me , So thank you.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Congratulations to you that you have got the notice but here in Bangladesh we don't have such kind of signal sofar.