Sometimes Your Brain needs to Rest , So give it proper rest as well...!

in life •  3 years ago 

Sometimes you need to stop doing what you are doing. It is not necessary that you continue to try unless you succeed.

Sometimes your brain might need rest as well , so give it a rest and then try again with a fresh mind again.



Try this out and you will thank me later , I have observed it myself.

let me share my personal experience with all of you. I was trying to do something and gave hours but still i failed miserably.

So that was the time when i wasn't able to achieve the desired result and a friend of mine gave me this advice of taking some time off from work and giving Proper rest to my brain.

And the next day i was successful in achieving the desired result.

You don't have to rest for too long but just forget what you are thinking and stay calm.

You will be able to think better for sure. It won't take anything from you for trying what i am saying.

So atleast give it a try , and see the result yourself.

The brain at rest delivers best when it comes to work again.

Thank you.

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True! Especially when you're working on a tricky software problem, doing something else in between often works wonders. The subconscious mind seems to continue working in the background. Often the "enlightenment" comes when you don't expect it ;-)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah. when I take some rest like after sleep I have much more concentration and energy towards any work