
in life •  4 years ago 

Instead of containing the DNA to help your body fight Covid, the vaccine contains messenger RNA to help your body mass produce the virus. The Biden Plan is to keep you locked in your house for 2 weeks. No food. No water. No work. You can't go outside in America. This is coming any day from now. Pence committed Treason. Facebook does not want you to know about the 2 weeks lockdown. Facebook says that is fake news. You will be locked in your house. You cannot go outside in America. Many people will die. Have fun dying everybody. Hope you enjoying dying. Lockdown is very awesome. We get to die. Thank you so much for killing us, National Guard troops. Thank you so much. When Joe Biden is elected on Jan20, thousands of patriots will then be arrested all across America. Mass arrests are coming. If you fight back, they'll use that as an excuse to eradicate the 2nd amendment once and for all. Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot. If you were extremely numb to morality, would you even feel it drip away?

Jan6 Riot

Jan6 Riot partly planned not by Trump but by Twitter several days earlier. Congress, FBI, and other agencies knew. Q is a modern-day version, a mirror, of these groups who would infiltrate militia groups in the 1990s, set them up in order to get them thrown in prison. The Prison Planet is all around us. I've been warning you for years. FBI operatives initiated the Jan6 Riot and they're planning on doing it again on Jan20 to blame it on gun-owners. People who are pretending to be patriots will suggest violence in order to set you up. You must expose these wolves in sheep clothing, these snakes will stand out in the crowd, record them. Will India ban Twitter like Uganda did? Leftists blow things up and say patriots did it. Spread the word now, patriots didn't and won't. They're framing conservatives in order to prompt mass arrests of the good guys. You've been warned, get ahead of the American Takeover. History will be made these next few days. Mark my word. Stay at home and enjoy the show. Pass it on. Tell everyone. No violence. Do not attend.

The Rising Lion King at World's End

Two Possible Scenarios Regarding The Fate of Humanity On The Eve of President Biden

I'm Super John Barron on Twitter

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Trump is Dying On His Cross But May Not Rise Again in Three Years or Ever Again


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2021-01-14 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-14 - Thursday | Published in January of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-01-14 20:30:36 - CHECKMATE - 2018-01-13.png

CHECKMATE - 2018-01-13 - A Qanon Quote or Something

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) have been the puppeteers of U.S. Presidents.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

When will they kill Trump?
When can we recount or revote for Trump 2020?
Jan6 Riot partly planned not by Trump but by Twitter several days earlier. Congress, FBI, and other agencies knew.

Message To Trump

You already won and yet lost. But you won. We have to win 2020 or else nothing else matters.


Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

The Biden Plan is to keep you locked in your house for 2 weeks. No food. No water. No work. You can't go outside in America. This is coming any day from now.

2 Weeks Lockdown

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:34 AM - Facebook

Facebook does not want you to know about the 2 weeks lockdown. Facebook says that is fake news. You will be locked in your house. You cannot go outside in America. Many people will die. Have fun dying everybody. Hope you enjoying dying. Lockdown is very awesome. We get to die. Thank you so much for killing us, National Guard troops. Thank you so much.

Prison Planet

The Prison Planet is all around us. I've been warning you for years.

Mass Arrests

11:27 AM

When Joe Biden is elected on Jan20, thousands of patriots will then be arrested all across America. Mass arrests are coming. If you fight back, they'll use that as an excuse to eradicate the 2nd amendment once and for all.

Set You Up

Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot.

Get Ahead Of It

12:41 PM - Facebook

Leftists blow things up and say patriots did it. Spread the word now, patriots didn't and won't. They're framing conservatives in order to prompt mass arrests of the good guys. You've been warned, get ahead of the American Takeover.

Jan6 Riots Preplanned

Riots were planned on Facebook days before the 6th of January of 2021. However, Parler was banned for it.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

The Biden Plan is to keep you locked in your house for 2 weeks. No food. No water. No work. You can't go outside in America. This is coming any day from now.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Dear Americans,

You must seek after refugees who have survived communist governments and ask them what to expect. They'll let you know what you can do.

Game Theory Lie

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:07 PM

Game Theorist Promotes Covid Vaccine which gives people HIV and women will be unable to get pregnant - I unsubscribed from Mat Pat's YouTube today because he interviewed Fauci

Covid Vaccine

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:53 PM

Instead of containing the DNA to help your body fight Covid, the vaccine contains messenger RNA to help your body mass produce the virus.


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot.

Roger Stone's Wife

An old lady was walking her dog. A man came from behind, started beating her up. Now, she's in the hospital.


People who use the word comrade are probably not patriots and are attempting to get you to say something or do something in order to get you arrested.

Countries Banning Big Tech

Will India ban Twitter like Uganda did?

Get Ahead Of It

12:41 PM - Facebook

Leftists blow things up and say patriots did it. Spread the word now, patriots didn't and won't. They're framing conservatives in order to prompt mass arrests of the good guys. You've been warned, get ahead of the American Takeover.

Facebook Says Fake News

12:48 PM - Facebook

The reason it's fake news according to Facebook is because the 2 week lockdown has not been officially announced yet. Facebook didn't say it in those exact words except to say that is not why the National Guard troops are in DC. Well, not yet. So, as of right now, yeah, Facebook is technically right. But we are only a few days away.

Be Ready For The Worse

12:51 PM - Facebook

If Biden gets in, they'll be trying to do this and much more, and my angle is to prepare people for worse case scenario kind of thing similar to the kinds of things Mike Adams said regarding Covid earlier in 2020. Of course, history and destiny can be changed. I believe in overcoming fate. But people have to be aware of the problems if they want to oppose.

Soren Kirchner, Health Ranger Mike Adams can be found on Brighteon, but Facebook will NOT let me post the URL of Brighteon dot com, it goes against the rules on Facebook meaning I CANNOT tell you, Mark said it goes against the Community Guidelines. If you type in that URL in a comment on Facebook, you will see what I mean.

What Comes Out Must Also Come In As Well

02:43 PM - Facebook

Shane Harro Harrison, I did not say that. We are NOT talking about that. I said, viruses can go through the pores and into your blood the same way sweat goes out of your body. It's a two way street, if things can go out of your body, then things can also go into your body. Let's not even talk about how HIV, AIDS, STD, etc, are transmitted, same logic. Let's try not picturing all of that in our heads but it follows the same logic of reverse-engineering how things work. Same thing with how you can eat food into your body and also throw food up out of your body.

Shane Harro Harrison, exactly, then why are you talking then?

Shane Harro Harrison, so pores can filter out the water that gets inside of you through your pores?
Shane Harro Harrison, your skin absorbs. Over time, things go from your skin and into your blood. Now, some of the blood vessels are very small. The vessels are extremely close to the surface of your skin. Keep in mind, there are several layers of skin. Water can go through those layers. When sweat leaves your body, the pores open up. It is true, pores can open and close. Nonetheless, more importantly, pores can open. When something opens, without getting X-rated, things can go up it. Things can go in. If things can go out, then things can also go in as well. At the atomic level, things interchange. At the molecular level, not as much. The smaller something is, the more they could potentially seep through depending on the variables. Of course, viruses are larger than molecules. But are viruses larger than pores? Have you ever seen a pore? How long can a virus live outside of water? Can the pH level affect a virus?

Shane Harro Harrison, it is simple science to understand how things seep into other things, string theory verified.


08:49 PM - Facebook

If you're vandalizing, you're not a Trump supporter. In the coming days, you will see a lot of vandalism. Remember I told you this.

Are you ready for a big blackout?

History will be made these next few days. Mark my word. Stay at home and enjoy the show. Pass it on. Tell everyone. No violence. Do not attend.

I'm Super John Barron on Twitter


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal


2021-01-15 - Thursday - 10:44 AM - Facebook | Minds | Twitter

Did you know racketeering is a crime? Do you know who is guilty of racketeering?

Attacking Roger Stone

Somebody beat up the wife of Roger Stone. They also sent somebody to kidnap Laura Loomer. The list continues.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Jan20 to be Jan6

FBI operatives initiated the Jan6 Riot and they're planning on doing it again on Jan20 to blame it on gun-owners.

When Joe Biden is elected on Jan20, thousands of patriots will then be arrested all across America. Mass arrests are coming. If you fight back, they'll use that as an excuse to eradicate the 2nd amendment once and for all.

Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot.

Being Numb

If you were extremely numb to morality, would you even feel it drip away?

Lincoln Looting

05:49 PM - Twitter

The alleged Trump people looting Lincoln and God knows what in the White House are globalists, leftists, or most likely communists.

Exposing Twitter

07:58 PM - Twitter

Well, they already banned a public politician whom they said they would never do. They also said Trump couldn't block people on his Twitter. But then Twitter blocked 82 million people form Trump's Twitter in affect when suspending Trump off Twitter.


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 03:39 AM

God Like Productions

Brighteon Social

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:18 PM LMS - JA joined Brighteon Social
01:17 PM - Why do you want to join?

To promote freedom. I listen to Alex Jones and then would see Mike Adams. I was born in Oregon. I believe in free markets, free speech, Christianity. Also, I get banned on Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Is FEMA good or bad?

08:06 PM - Brighteon

FEMA is a dangerous weapon like a gun is. So, it can be used for good or for bad like a bomb. So, it might be able to help us right now. This is similar to what happened in Christopher Nolan's Batman movie, the one with the Joker, The Dark Knight, they used all these monitors to spy on people. In the end, they destroyed all of that. FEMA might be the same kind of thing.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info

Queen of Conspiracy


Pence committed Treason

The Expanse

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:00 AM - 01:55 AM - The Expanse 506

Mars people played dead in their pod, got boarded, they shot them and blew them up. Meanwhile, Naomi's son saved his life by choosing not to float her. On earth, snow. A cabin. Trade. Strip into your underwear. X-Men woman. He is down. SHe got him. He is dead. Fake son by the window with a gun was a doll. A fake. She is wounded and on the couch.

2021-01-14 - Thursday - 01:55 AM - 02:42 AM - The Expanse 507

Naomi tried to save his son and his father tried to keep him just like him as a terrorist. Naomi did a space walk like Princess Leia in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Boe Jiden

10:41 AM - LIVE OWEN KNIGHT AND MR JONES Go to see Alex Shroyer

Alex Jones Show
Did you know racketeering is a crime? Do you know who is guilty of racketeering?

Q is a modern-day version, a mirror, of these groups who would infiltrate militia groups in the 1990s, set them up in order to get them thrown in prison.

FBI operatives initiated the Jan6 Riot and they're planning on doing it again on Jan20 to blame it on gun-owners.

Wolves in Sheep clothing

People who are pretending to be patriots will suggest violence in order to set you up. You must expose these wolves in sheep clothing, these snakes will stand out in the crowd, record them.

Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot.

People who use the word comrade are probably not patriots and are attempting to get you to say something or do something in order to get you arrested.

Health Ranger

01:13 PM - Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 - The FEMA + Military coup to SAVE America, not destroy it - Brighteon

America is not or was not under civilian rule.

America may be under a military coup, hopefully a good one that seeks to take back America from a foreign takeover.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Rudy On Rumble

11:45 AM - January 6th: ANOTHER FRAME UP | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 102

Health Ranger

01:13 PM - Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 - The FEMA + Military coup to SAVE America, not destroy it - Brighteon

X22 Report


Up at 10:30 AM, dear diary, banana, yogurt smoothy, coffee, for breakfast. Sunshine is outside. Larry got groceries from Costco with Cliff yesterday. Today, mom was with Larry on the computer doing online shopping and he just has to go and pick the stuff up later. She felt like it was a success. Corn dog snack around noon. Not so healthy huh says Larry. Oh shut up Larry, just kidding. But yeah, perhaps you're right. Dishes around 02:00 PM for 30 minutes after a talk with mom about the 37 things some find in a DNA of a virus to then guess and make assumptions which are often too inaccurate. Ten minute talk or so before like two about all of that and random things as usual. On Brighteon Social around that time too.

Raspberries Transplant

02:43 PM - 04:11 PM - Yard work with Larry today included transplanting several bunches of raspberries plants from three wooden pots plus a small cherry tree by the larger one and by the recycling and trash bans by the roads. Digging, raking, transplanting, add fertilizers in the holes to help them grow in their new homes. Chickens came by as they usually do on and off. I was working with just a t-shirt and no coat to prevent myself from sweating. It was a little cold but not too bad when working. Got the mail. Fish around 08:00 PM and then some peas. Mom said Forest Gump is on TV a lot. Larry Mitchell was acting silly and was saying life is like a box of chocolate. I found that to be funny and laughed. Nap for 2 hours, 10 PM to midnight.

Follow me on Brighteon Social

Two Possible Scenarios Regarding The Fate of Humanity On The Eve of President Biden

Expose Twitter is Trending on Twitter

The Rising Lion King at World's End

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