
in life •  4 years ago 

WE ALL MUST HELP TRUMP SEE HOW ANTIFA AND POLICE LED THE STORMING OF THE US CAPITOL ON JAN6. Trump partly conceded Jan7 but we all must urge Trump to expose what really happened on Jan6. Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump. Each person must reach out to Trump with what we can do, how we can expose it. Biden will BE PRESIDENT on JAN20 if we do not EXPOSE JAN6. Police let ANTIFA POSING AS MAGA in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6 on video, we must all demand TRUMP EXPOSE THIS. Twitter permanently suspends and suspended Trump today.


MAGA don't wear helmets and masks like the Jan6 Fake-MAGA Antifa storming the US Capitol as police let them in. Tell Trump police let Antifa in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6. We only have a few days left, we all must get involved or else. We have to help Trump expose Jan6. We all must reach out to Trump to get him to EXPOSE JAN6. Mr. Trump MUST EXPOSE the many videos of police escorting ANTIFA POSING as MAGA storming the US Capitol on Jan6. LMAO TRUMP is TRENDING ON TWITTER RIGHT NOW. Incitement to violence is NOT A CRIME.

Add me on Idobbinate @joeyarnoldvn

Twitter Employees Signed Letter Calling for Permanent Ban on US President Trump


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2021-01-08 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-08 - Friday | Published in January of 2021

Trump Twitter Avatar with Red Eyes ErRfx4tVQAALCoo.jpeg

Trump was banned off Twitter

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey

Please add me on Parler, Gab, Minds, Hive, Steemit, Bitchute, Brighteon, etc, etc, @JoeyArnoldVN


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

@Lucretia Hughes, on Linkedin, just include a link to your website, to your YouTube, and that's it. You don't have to have a BBQ on Linkedin, just pop over, put in a link there, and then run away.

Vietnam America War

1960s - 1970s - During the Vietnam America War in the 1960s and 1970s in Vietnam, America would play the audio of what sounded like ghostly dead Vietnamese saying, "Why did I do it, I made a mistake, run while you still can or you'll be trapped here for eternity like I am." Their religious belief is that if you're not properly buried, then you'll be trapped to roam around where you died forever. But the problem is that not only did it fooled northern Vietnamese, it also fooled southern Vietnamese who were fighting alongside of the Americans.

Multi-Platform App Posting?

Can I get an app which can post to Parler, Gab, Minds, Hive, Steemit, Facebook, Twitter, etc, simultaneously for me? That would save me a lot of time.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump.


MAGA don't wear helmets and masks like the Jan6 Fake-MAGA Antifa storming the US Capitol as police let them in.

Biden will BE PRESIDENT on JAN20 if we do not EXPOSE JAN6.


Trump suspended off Twitter

Trump was permanently suspended on Twitter

Incitement to violence is NOT A CRIME

Police let them into the capitol.

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

@Lori Wilson, culture is downstream from that word

@JubJub670 subliminally

@Canadian Spider-Man you mean pacifism and nihilism?

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

If you already got Parler, no problem.

You can download Parler via APK bypassing Apple Store and Google Play.

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

TRON stole STEEMIT which then forked into HIVE BLOG

2021-01-08 - Friday - Trump Suspended Off Twitter 01 -

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


You can still download it directly via APK
Web browsers and APK

@Damian Hill, I've not seen streaming on Parler but Gab has something.


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump.

Patrick M Davies, Police let Antifa in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6, people must MUST MUST DEMAND TRUMP exposes all of the videos which PROVES AND SHOWS ALL OF THIS AND MORE. TRUMP MUST RIGHT NOW.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump.

Trump was on a train that continues with or without him.


MAGA don't wear helmets and masks like the Jan6 Fake-MAGA Antifa storming the US Capitol as police let them in.

How many people did the FBI arrest the summer of 2020 when cities were burning down? None.

Mr. Trump MUST EXPOSE the many videos of police escorting ANTIFA POSING as MAGA storming the US Capitol on Jan6

Do NOT leave Twitter, just link people off Twitter.

@Trevor T you don't need Twitter to READ TWITTER, go directly to the URL of Mark Hammil to read him without logging in

@Trevor T you don't need Twitter to READ TWITTER, go directly to the URL of Mark Hammil to read him without logging in

@Paola R L, don't leave Twitter, just don't use it

Install Parler on Android without Google Play. Just use APK. In other words, download it directly without a store. Try MySpace too if you want.

Kaitlin Bennett @KaitMarieox


The people that called Trump literally Hitler are now orchestrating the biggest book burning in human history. Today is the day the Democrats became Nazis.

Robert Barnes @barnes_law

Courts said it violated First Amendment for Trump to block someone, but also said its totally ok for Twitter to completely block the world from someone's account.

Dear FBI, I was at the US Capitol in Washington DC on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. Please come to Shelton, WA and arrest me.

Lmao Trump who didn't talk about the police who let Antifa come in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6. A false flag to frame patriots and stop Trump.


Trump on Twitter @TeamTrump ??????????

Kaitlin Bennett @KaitMarieox


How things started: "Trump's a fascist dictator!"

Where we're at now: "Haha Trump and all his voters are getting banned! He has no power!"

Tom Fitton

11:48 PM - Twitter

In DC, restricting access to public accommodations based on political affiliation is prohibited under the DC Human Rights Act. Does Section 230 exempt @Twitter from this and similar laws?


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Fair Elections?

11:14 AM - YouTube

@WhiskeyHound, if he doesn't need the UN, then why is the UN here and are you saying there will never be fair elections ever again?

Hey mouse, that's racist.

Google was funded by DARPA

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

What Happened on Jan6

01:51 AM - Hive Blog

Assange would tell you Antifa posing as Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021, Alex Jones tried stopping some of the patriots who fell for the deception, some conservatives followed the paid terrorists in.

Did Trump Concede?

01:57 AM - Hive

Trump did not concede. That is not what he said in that video. He did not say the word Biden in that video at all.

Will Trump Be Arrested?

01:58 AM - Hive

Did Trump work with China illegally like Biden did?

2021-01-08 - Friday - 03:17 PM LMS JA - Accounted Created - Idobbinate.com

Add me on Idobbinate @joeyarnoldvn

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info


2021-01-08 - Friday - 02:04 AM - 02:49 AM - Viking 615 - ABC Version 30

Was Floki murdered? Maybe. Or it was accidental. Battle for a whale, he says he is king of Greenland, this guy, and his people fight the other people. Most of his guys or probably all his guy die or close to it while the other families, 20 or less people, run off on a boat and off the island with no food and nowhere to go. It looks like the guy is a king unto himself with no citizens. But he has a big whale to eat. But the meat will rot faster than he will be able to eat it. And the guys on the boat may run out of food out in the ocean before they can find fish or new land. But then they found rain which means drinking water.

Iva and his guys on horses going somewhere. They return and the boys kills the Ruyssian king, his uncle.

The other king goes to marry 2 women and yet one of them says in her heart she is still married to the dead Ironside. She takes off her clothes, jumps in the river, swims in the freezing water until she is numb, she then floats and then sinks. A boy dies and they toss him into the ocean with a sword of the old man. What a waste of a sword. Dead people don't need swords.

2021-01-08 - Friday - 02:57 AM - 03:41 AM - Viking 616

Iva and his brother return home for a feast. The dead seer said, "Poor Iva, connecting nothing with nothing." Iva says to dead Ironside the only reason he would be let into Heaven is the simple fact he is a son of Ragnar. Iva encourages his people to go back to raiding because trading is not good enough and they sucked that up.

For the love of the gods, stop it, she said to him on the boat.

Call Me Snake


Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump.

MAGA don't wear helmets and masks like the Jan6 Fake-MAGA Antifa storming the US Capitol as police let them in.

Lucretia Hughes

02:12 PM - Real News with Lucretia Hughes - FallBack Friday Episode #822

Tell Trump police let Antifa in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6

​Each person must reach out to Trump with what we can do, how we can expose it.

@Dorothy Chancey, block Facebook Fact Checkers to reduce Facebook Jail for the next time, a lot of the problems come from these accounts named Fact Checkers.

Trump partly conceded Jan7 but we all must urge Trump to expose what really happened on Jan6.

@Dorothy Chancey, I include a link to my Hive Blog on my Facebook and we all can point people off Facebook. You don't have to live on Facebook. Just include a link and get off of it.

@Christy Howle, I will never cancel my Facebook accounts. The least you can do is to point people off Facebook with a link.

If we all leave Facebook, who is going to help the other people get off Facebook?

I am on Facebook but I don't live on Facebook, I encourage people on Facebook to get off Facebook and get OFF YOUTUBE.

Facebook and YouTube is the same. Get off Facebook. Get off YouTube too.

You should delete your Facebook and delete your YouTube too.

@Dorothy Chancey NO!!!! You don't need a TWITTER to CHECK TWITTER. You only NEED THE URL LINK WHICH WILL TAKE YOU to the page even if you are NOT logged into TWITTER. Very EASY.

People don't know HOW Twitter work.

I agree, go to where the people are.

@Dorothy Chancey, if you go to twitter.com, it will make you log in or register. BUT don't go to twitter.com to see Twitter

@Dorothy Chancey, I am telling you don't need an account to READ TRUMP on Twitter

And Trump Tweets has been mirrored onto other websites too.

Don't make up excuses for why you have to have Twitter.

If you want to see Trump Tweets, I can show you many places where you can find it on Twitter and other websites.

I am on Twitter because I am trying to wake people up and spread info. I am NOT on Twitter to only read Trump Tweets.

You can READ accounts who block you on Twitter simply by logging out and going to their URL.

You can get around people who block you on Twitter simply by logging out.

I am on Parler on my laptop.

I prefer Proton Mail over Gmail

Trump has to be our President for 4 more years, we cannot give up.

They stole it from Trump, we must save Trump right now.

You cannot take down Bitcoin or other blockchain systems.

If Parler is not a decentralized blockchain network, then it is much more vulnerable to be attacked depending on how Parler is being hosted online.

Centralized websites have problems.

@Christy Howle, but if Parler is centralized, then that is not a good idea.

I was homeschooled

I recommend people join Hive Blog at https://hive.blog

The Pete Santilli Show


We have to help Trump expose Jan6.

We have to get to Trump and help TRUMP SEE.

Trump partly conceded on Jan7 and we must HELP TRUMP expose Jan6

@The Pete Santilli Show, police let ANTIFA POSING AS MAGA in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6 on video, we must all demand TRUMP EXPOSE THIS

@Joseph Dunegan, Trump partly conceded on Jan7 and Trump has not talked about what police did on Jan6 to create the problem.

@Joseph Dunegan, how do we save Trump?

Syrian Girl

03:52 PM - DON'T Call them "Domestic Terrorists", I'm Syrian let me tell you about terrorism!

Q and Antifa is the same thing.

Syrian Girl is wrong, police let them in, Antifa led the storming.

Tim Cast

05:17 PM - Timcast IRL - Trump Has Been PERMANENTLY BANNED, Democrats WILL Impeach w/ Minds CEO


Vietnam America War

1960s - 1970s - During the Vietnam America War in the 1960s and 1970s in Vietnam, America would play the audio of what sounded like ghostly dead Vietnamese saying, "Why did I do it, I made a mistake, run while you still can or you'll be trapped here for eternity like I am." Their religious belief is that if you're not properly buried, then you'll be trapped to roam around where you died forever. But the problem is that not only did it fooled northern Vietnamese, it also fooled southern Vietnamese who were fighting alongside of the Americans.


09:51 PM - Trump Twitter Ban, Biden's Play, Capitol Update #FreedomFriday 319-527-6212

Alex Jones tried to stop them from storming the Capitol on Jan6.

@Rahul Majumdar, Q Qanon is ok but it led people down the wrong path.

@Rahul Majumdar, Qanon encourages people to read books.

Trump did not tell them to storm the capitol.

@Rahul Majumdar, I encourage people to go to Banned . video

Q might be ok but many things are better.

@James Roeb, Q is ok but Q also sucks balls too.

Tulsi is ok

@Whiskey 5, no, it was Qanon

RINO sucks

Leftists suck

@Sansa Carioca, one step at a time

Trump Won

@Rahul Majumdar, I like Private Property Rights

Joe Biden is a Chinese Puppet

@Rahul Majumdar, then buy some and build some on your own land, anything you want.

I like freedom over centralized tyranny.

Bill Gates says the pandemic is going to last ten more years.

Watch BILL GATES videos, you will NOT BELIEVE what Bill says.

So MANY MANY MANY Bill Gates videos.

I voted Trump

Trump was the best President America has ever had.

@Sugar, Alex Jones is right.

I love Trump.

I follow Trump.

The caller is right.

Didn't Trump get Covid? Why isn't Trump dead yet?

@Rahul Majumdar, Trump got bad drugs.

@Rahul Majumdar, the drugs could have killed Trump.

@Rahul Majumdar, look at the 4 different drugs they gave Trump in combination.

If Twitter says no censorship but then there is censorship, I call that hypocrisy.

If Facebook said free speech and then turn around and say, "JUST KIDDING," I see that as a BAIT AND SWITCH.

@Rahul Majumdar, I don't want you to break your promise, IF YOU MADE ME A PROMISE.


I don't like double-standards.

I don't like selective enforcement.

@LoveShackSarah you are fake news

@Rahul Majumdar you are fake news

@Rahul Majumdar, Qanon WEIRDOS are NOT Trump Supporters. THEY ARE NOT.


They are weirdos

Trump is not Q

@James Roeb, people can do their own research

People can be independent investigators

@Keith Campbell, police let weirdos into the capitol on Jan6, a false flag to set Trump up.

@MyNycgirl, he just did an interview with Alex Jones at Banned . video

@Keith Campbell, they stormed the capitol Jan6 while Trump was still SPEAKING


People who were there can give you the TIMELINE

Alex Jones led the march and when he got there, there were already people on the wrong side of the capitol.

Alex Jones told them to stop storming the capitol and to go with him to the other side of the building as he was leading the march Jan6 and yet people were already there.

@Rahul Majumdar, and he does use a megaphone to try to stop people

@Rahul Majumdar, no, Biden is progressive

@Keith Campbell Biden is effin progressive and you know it

@Rahul Majumdar, Facebook removed my Nationalism Over Globalism page a few days ago

@Lendwardo, it means AOC and ice-cream in a threeway

@Keith Campbell, I voted and I choose Trump

@Keith Campbell, I support making government smaller

@Keith Campbell, what would you do if your country was losing billions to trillions of dollars in trade with companies leaving left and right?

@Keith Campbell, QANON sucks like somebody's mom

Leftists are progressives


Kanye West agrees with the caller, free yourself.

@Keith Campbell, gay frogs

That guy is the nephew of Pelosi

many black people are killed as babies

do not kill black babies

Tim Black banned me when I started talking about black babies being MURDERED. He wants people to value black people but not really.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

10:45 AM - Got up, dear diary, got dressed and out of my pajamas, orange, Costco oatmeal, coffee, for breakfast. Took everything off my desk, the one mom got in like 1970s or so, the reddish brown desk to my right from where I sit at my laptop at what I call the LMS throne. Took off the blanket, replaced it with a towel for nwo. Doing some cleaning and organizing, early spring cleaning you could say. It's 11:13 AM now. Vacuumed the house around noon. Washed the dishes around 01:00 PM. Took out the trash and recycling. Garbage man came before that. Recycling man hasn't come yet. Now, it's 01:43 AM, drinking yogurt smoothy. Washed more dishes around like 05:00 PM and finished my laundry around 06:00 PM or closer to 07:00 PM. Organized the music sheets and brought back the desk stuff back, blanket, towel, the brown desk on top of the larger lighter brown desk. Now, it's back to 07:26 PM, back to Alex Jones.

Will and Callista Chat No.17 (7 Jan 2021)

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