Reclaiming Your Time: Navigating Life's Highway in the Slow Lane!

in life •  9 months ago  (edited)

Reclaiming your TIME!.jpg

“Perfection of effort is not required, by the way. It is the consistency of attempting to work these tools that brings the progress. It’s like anything else. If I want to tone muscle, lifting a ten-pound weight a few times every day will move me toward my goal much quicker than hoisting a fifty-pound barbell once a week. Yes, it really is true: “Slow and steady wins the race.” Just try a little, every day. You’ll see.” - Holly Mosier

My GOODNESS! I have been trying to get back here for just about a week now and every single time my intentions were set for a particular morning of sitting down and responding to people, writing - whatever - they were totally de-railed. Though, having said that… pretty much everything has gone a little off track lately.

It is my sons birthday on the 30th and between trying to wrap my head around the correct PC upgrade components as a present and organising a day out for him and about nine of his mates to play some airsoft it has been a little crazy over and above my regular schedule, which I have also recently added to, by deciding to offer my loaves of sourdough to the residents in our village - so baking has been on the agenda almost daily too, and anyone who has any experience making sourdough knows that the dough making alone is rather time consuming.

Add to that, the complete disaster that was the Western Cape on Monday! Needless to say, Jude’s airsoft adventure was postponed and pretty much EVERYTHING went on hold as we were hit with one of the most brutal “Cape of Storms” we have experienced in a VERY long while. A few days prior, the Spring tide announced it’s arrival, which was already pretty high up on the brutality scale…

...but on Monday 25th September arrived the mother of all storms.

Not a word of a lie, I genuinely thought that our house was going to be pulled up from the foundation, and how all the trees in my garden were still standing after, is simply beyond me. I count my blessings for the fact that we suffered no real damage or inconvenience, but sadly - so many others were not able to say the same. The Cape of Storms is known well to be brutal, but this was definitely one for the records and my heart truly goes out to all those who suffered - and continue to suffer.

So, yes - it was a somewhat chaotic seven days prior. After our inverter died and the power had still not been restored, we were pretty much left with nothing more than time to get along with homely activities and vacancy for thought - and think a lot, I did. Though I generally do think a lot - the complete lack of ANY electronic distraction has a way of bringing about a slightly higher volume and depth of such contemplation.

Time for the things I wish to do, is tight even on the most generous of days, so I am always trying to operate at the speed of light in an attempt to try and achieve “more”. Though, having said that - more often these days, I find myself throwing my hands in the air… a surrender of sorts, for the reality that - “what I want to achieve” and “what is actually possible” are often two very different things and by trying to force the issue, actually result in LESS all round.


So, what of doing a little less – a little more often? Sounds a little bizarre, but it isn’t really. We are all so conditioned to be on the go constantly – “achieve, achieve, achieve”, but how often are we actually just busy instead of productive - If we really analyse it, probably more frequently than we care to admit. And what use is that to us in the long run? – Not much.

I have noticed a dramatic shift in myself over the last several months and have found that instead of pushing myself to often completely unrealistic points of “self-demand”, I have begun to listen to my mind and body more. Every single day will carry its own uniqueness and whilst on Monday you may feel ready to burst out of the gate like a race horse, with ideas and inspiration a mile a minute – this does not mean that you will feel the same on Tuesday and instead of ignoring and resisting those “mood signals”, ultimately making ourselves frustrated because we are left with no choice BUT to acknowledge that we do NOT feel the same way as we did the day prior – rather embrace that reality and slow down! Do less! Contemplate for a moment that by doing less or by simplifying a couple of days in your week is not indicative of any less productivity or adequacy.

We are not machines and can simply not operate in a state of high speed, repetitive production endlessly. In fact - no matter who you are or how invincible you “think” you may be… you are not and fooling yourself with this perspective generally does not end well, but looking at it from a day to day, you actually achieve a lot less, yet will feel ten times as tethered.

Taking time to slow down is absolutely vital. Something I have not always acknowledged, in fact the opposite. I have discovered that I do not have to beat myself up internally when I don’t get to everything I had intended to for the day. I have learnt that there are also going to be days of complete “nothingness” if you will – times when I allow myself to just “BE” – because I accept that this is all I can manage for that particular day. It is never a day wasted though – there is always plenty inspiration, clarity and re-grouping of self which comes from being a little more still.

“And so taking the long way home through the market I slow my pace down. It doesn't come naturally. My legs are programmed to trot briskly and my arms to pump up and down like pistons, but I force myself to stroll past the stalls and pavement cafes. To enjoy just being somewhere, rather than rushing from somewhere, to somewhere. Inhaling deep lungfuls of air, instead of my usual shallow breaths. I take a moment to just stop and look around me. And smile to myself. For the first time in a long time, I can, quite literally, smell the coffee.” ― Alexandra Potter

It is important you know… smelling the coffee, or the roses – whichever you prefer… really enjoyable too. It brings us completely into the present - a place in which we all spend far too little time. We are constantly doing something “now” for just now or handling five different things at once – none of which are for the “present”… then we look again and the entire day or even week is gone, we are exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. This is no way to live, no matter what circumstance or career you are in and is also never an excuse. Taking time to pause or move a little slower through your day is an integral part of remaining “whole”. It is a facet of healing as well as growth.


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Jaynie! How nice to see you again!

Love the post as always. I hope you have been well.

SA is gorgeous. What a storm though! I'm glad you didn't suffer much more than fright from it.

the complete lack of ANY electronic distraction has a way of bringing about a slightly higher volume and depth of such contemplation.

this only happens for me by accident. At first, I am frantic to get back online, then I notice how frantic I am, and understand that I am an addict. Getting away is so important. You've made me one step closer to limiting my screen time. Thanks!

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

At first, I am frantic to get back online, then I notice how frantic I am, and understand that I am an addict.

This ^

Because I'm an old Luddite who uses a comp and doesn't own a slave crystal (also known as a mobile phone), I now simply unplug my router !

It means having use of the computer (for writing, vid editing, etc. ), but without the nagging 'must browse, must click', dopamine fix.

It takes a while to unprogram the urge to 'connect'. (or rather, it took me a while)
But now ?...I'm more productive than ever.

Posted from

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I was just about to ask what myself internally "what is a slave crystal" haha!

It means having use of the computer (for writing, vid editing, etc. ), but without the nagging 'must browse, must click', dopamine fix.

I admire you for that! and I have absolutely NO doubt you are more productive - and also... happier!

ps. I know we have crossed paths in the past, and I apologise for not remembering the details nor extent of that engagement (I am at the stage of putting the kettle in the fridge and milk in the kettle, lol) - but I DO think I remember it possibly "not being good" - nonetheless and no matter... in my recent and VERY ugly departure from Hive after returning from a two year absence only to discover that literally NOTHING has changed over there - I caught wind of talk about you which needless to say was all pretty much similar to how I was slated... and it made me really sad to be reminded of how MANY people have been gutted on that side of the world.

Anyhow, just thought I would hop onto this thread to say a clean hello! :)

Hope you have a good weekend and likely I will see you around.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Woman, what you did for me over there was like nothing else. True community, vibrant, kind, informative, wonderful. I was not privy to what happened, one day you were just gone. I'm all ears if you want to revisit that crap.

I'm still there. I have been blacklisted by many curators as a result of an extended argument with one of the whales, but I am still there trying to chip away. Things might be slightly better - the downvoting for pure spite has slowed some.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I appreciate the thanks lovely, and also the expression of appreciation. In many ways it is because of how much I gave to that space and the people in it which makes the way I have been treated hurt as much as it does... but such is life - live and learn.

Thank you also, for the offered ear - but no, its time to move on. Not going to waste any more energy than I already have, talking about such individuals.

They truly are their own worst enemies.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I have a slave crystal, but I hardly ever use it, and there are no apps on it. My computer is hard wired, so the router is always off (unless other slave crystal addicts are in the house and cannot cope with there being no wifi). So shutting off the router won't work. I have tried logging out, and stepping away. Doesn't work great, but cuts down some on the time I spend here. I am phenomenally unproductive. I know this. We need AA for online addicts. Maybe we should start a community for online addiction.

Kudos to you for being smart phone free.

would you shoot yourself?
lay your phone down
it is your enemy’s weapon

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

So shutting off the router won't work.

Unplugging it from the power source, works just as well!

We need AA for online addicts. Maybe we should start a community for online addiction

Oh, the irony of having to online, for an online addiction

Posted from

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

haha yes the internet is a trap. Go back to the land.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Like all tools, they can be used for good, or bad.
The tech explosion has allowed for 'the child in an adults body', to remain so. So the loaded gun that is the internet, has been unthinkingly abused. A child's perspective, with a new toy.
(you have the worlds entire library of knowledge to educate yourself with, and what do people use it for?...Watching silly cat videos!

'Going back to land' as you say, is the way forwards, as it leads to having a stable healthy, mature, mental state of mind.
We are product of nature, so the further we disconnect from it, the further we drift away from the nature of ourselves.

Its no coincidence the urban dwellers are also the libtarded strongholds, where postmodernism makes sense, and emotional dis-regulation is the norm - and when every one else in a peer group agrees with you - no matter how crazy the perspective - collective insanity, ensues.

Now, back to my tommy's and cucumbers...
*I'll be making my first ever cheese this week (hopefully) !...wooohoooo!

Posted from

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Very nice! What kind of cheese? I have some cultures in my freezer to do so, but haven't gotten around to it yet, except for yogurt cheese, which was yummy.

I was living in a libtard stronghold until two years ago now. I am so much happier in hillbilly country. The people are much smarter and true to themselves; being closer to the land might be a large part of why.

No everyone has the world's information at their fingertips - they are devoted to google and so see what they are wanted to see. The same ten facts about any subject, over and over, until it seems there must be no other information to be had.

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Very nice! What kind of cheese?

I have no bloody clue ! lol....If I get cheese of any kind, I'll be happy....

It costs a lot in this part of the world (not a big cheese eater tbh), and not had any in months.

...Then I discovered that you can extract renet from nettle tops, and thistle stamens...
Those I can access in abundance ( I think/presume).
(Calf stomach contents not so readily available)

Time to experiment !

The people are much smarter and true to themselves; being closer to the land might be a large part of why.

I think so. was lucky enough to grow up on a farm until my late teens. I noticed the difference in mentalities as I then traveled around the world, and my 'lifestyle' was most definitely 'big city orientated'.
It feels very nice to be 'back to my roots', and living the countryside lifestyle again - even though it's no where near where I grew up. ( a blessing! lol)

No everyone has the world's information at their fingertips - they are devoted to google and so see what they are wanted to see. The same ten facts about any subject, over and over, until it seems there must be no other information to be had.

For political issues, yeah - but knowledge of philosophy, learning critical thinking skills etc (the only wisdom worth anything), are readily available.
If you took all the porn, MSM bullshit, and wikipedia off the net - it's value would only increase.

So NOT searching for things to give you more skills/real knowledge in life, is still a personal choice/responsibility...

Posted from

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Lovely, lovely INDEEEED @owasco! Gosh! It sure has been a while!! 🤗🤗🤗 I am indeed very well, thank you... and I hope life has been good to you too the last few years!

I think... we are all a degree lol!

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I'm just glad you and yours are OK after the storms... made the news here in the States, as well!

More is not really more, in many cases, and particularly not when you're sacrificing your quality of life. And authentic self-care is not selfish, either. And yeah, I know... that's harder for some of us to truly embrace, but life is short. And precious. And fragile. But you've watched me rail on about that for years...

Found it! This one's for you... because music — among other things — heals... pour yourself a glass wine, find a peaceful view; a sunset and allow your mind to drift and just BE.

P.S: If you're going to publish on Blurt regularly, this is a nicer and more full-featured front end:

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

I'm just glad you and yours are OK after the storms... made the news here in the States, as well!

Thank you!!!!

More is not really more, in many cases, and particularly not when you're sacrificing your quality of life.

Took me pretty much most of my life to accept this reality, lol. but hey - better late than never, right!

More is not really more, in many cases, and particularly not when you're sacrificing your quality of life.

As always, beautiful track - and honestly, your timing could not be more perfect! I LITERALLY just poured myself a glass of wine, and came to sit at our dining room table (which is also my desk, lol) to do some "me being me" and watch as the sunset sets in.

Already added to my playlist.

Thank you!

Hope you and yours have a wonderful Saturday too!

Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  9 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much @ultravioletmag! :)