What's Inside My Old Camera | Throwback Thursday

in life •  7 months ago 

Last weekend, while i was cleaning my room, i found my old camera which i always bring with me during high school. Without hesitation, i viewed my captured photos and immediately brought me back in time. I just thought of sharing it in this community since these are throwback photos to reminisce.

Lets pretend its still 2010, the song Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars is playing on the radio and on our MP3 on repeat. Its freshmen year where all our friends are trying out new hobbies. Some grew unimaginably taller while others started hitting puberty.

Acquaintance Party


In every start of our school year we have acquaintance party where all highschool students are group into different teams that consist of different year levels per team. I always look forward to this activity because its one of the times where we engage with others besides our batchmates.

Educational Field Trip


Twice a year, we have field trips within our local province. I remember we were able to visit factories, paper mills, museums, family parks, and zoo. In the photo above, we're at PAG-ASA weather forecast in Mactan Cebu.

Christmas party


Ofcourse, every December, just before Christmas break, we held our christmas party. This event is probably my most favorite because it's the season of gift giving. I still kept all the gifts i received during Christmas. I remember people giving stuff toys, ballers, personalized Keychains, and other inexpensive but thoughtful gifts.

Movie House


On rare occasions, i hang out with my friends outside school. This is a movie house we rented for 3 hours. We watched a horror film entitled Sadako, hence the photo above. There's also Kinetics where we dance to the beat like no one's watching.



Our go to hangout place was the arcade in malls. Earning a lot of ticket prizes already feels like winning a jackpot. Life was so simple back then.

Classroom Moments


This photo was taken on my 15th birthday, the only time i celebrated my birthday. Unfortunately, it was a school day so i have to bear the embarrassment when my classmates sang the happy birthday song in the classroom.


We also had a lot of group reporting and role plays during high school. And mind you, we take them seriously.

Oh how nice it would be to be this young again. I hope i made my younger self proud of who i've become. Now, im feeling sentimental haha.

What's your most unforgettable childhood memory?

Sending some love and light!

Love, Jane

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