Random Office Day | My Last Few Days In The Office

in life •  7 months ago 


Today marks the last few days of our office day. We also had our team building activity. Since we are required to participate, everyone came to the office today. For our activity, we are task to build a tower using only chopsticks. We were then grouped into four teams and started brain storming. To make the game more challenging, our resources such as tape, glue gun, clay, and among others are limited. Thus, the task is quite difficult to attain. After that, the towers will then be tested by a member who will be entering the maze blind folded while holding the tower to see if it is sturdy enough to last until the end of the maze. The purpose of this activity is to foster team work among the members and develop resilience especially because of the time and resource constraint.




We had a whole lot of other fun activities for the rest of the day. This is probably the last day that I'll be officially at the office which made me even more sentimental. I tried my best to engage as much people as i could today.


After office, our manager invited some of us for dinner as a final goodbye since she knew we are resigning. We ate at a restaurant called Barikata in Ayala Center Cebu.


The ambiance is very cozy, perfect for a place where people can dine and talk. I personally like the liquor display in their counter wall. This restaurant serves Japanese dishes such as ramen, ebi tempura, tonkatsu, bento meals and many more.


Unfortunately, i wasn't able to take lots of pictures when our food arrived but i made sure to take a photo of my ramen order.


We enjoyed our meals and shared a meaningful conversation with our manager. She started sharing her personal story about her career journey and even love life which we really appreciated. We felt that she really is like our mentor and mother. One of my key take away in our conversation is that life will really just unfold itself. Sometimes, our plans may not turn out to be what our reality is. And in our reality, we might find ourselves in a better path than what we planned for. So i learned to trust and let go


We said our goodbyes and then parted ways. I wasn't ready to go home yet so i decided to just walk around for a bit and stare at this beautiful Christmas lighting design


That's it for today's blog. See you in my next one.

Love, Jane

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