my activity today

in life •  2 years ago 


Today I have the task of taking my wife shopping to the traditional market which happens to be not too far from where we live, leaving using a metik motorbike with a distance of about 10 KM, we finally arrived at the market, as usual when we arrived at the market my wife immediately reacted and was busy shopping for all the kitchen needs that had been exhausted since yesterday, I followed behind him while holding our son Ghaisan, and also brought some groceries that his wife had bought, after all the kitchen necessities were bought, then we headed to the fruit market to look for some fruit Children's favorite fresh fruits, including Watermelon, Melon, Salak and oranges, are the children's favorite fruits, and I usually buy them so I don't run out of stock at home.




Finished shopping all the lists written by the wife, then we returned home,
less than 15 minutes we got home and when we got home the wife immediately packed up her groceries to be arranged so they wouldn't be used as children's toys, it was almost noon, then the wife went to the kitchen to prepare our lunch, when me and the kids son went to visit my parents house, I went to visit him and brought some groceries which we just bought at the market earlier.

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