Pursued by Animals

in life •  4 years ago 

After writing about a grackle attack I experienced two days ago I got to thinking and in reality I have been attacked by animals multiple times. I remember once I was renting an apartment on the other side of town and a scorpion, real ugly it was one of the darker ones which are the most dangerous, got into following me, he would turn up wherever I went in the room. Then one day as I was putting on my shoes I felt something inside I shook the shoe and it was the scorpion, I killed him right there. Why he didn't sting me I don't know.

At around that time one afternoon kind of late I was at the pool hall when out of nowhere a black spider landed on my hand and it stung me or whatever it is that spiders do, it felt like someone was putting out a cigarette against my finger. That night in my room my tongue all of a sudden went numb, I rushed to the hospital, they gave me an antitoxin injection and that cured me. No I did not get any arachnid powers.

Dogs and cats I have gotten used to them chasing me all around town as I walk a lot, cats I just frighten away and most of the time it works. With big dogs I just stand very still until the dog just gets tired of bearing his teeth and barking at me. But usually just mimicking like you are picking up a rock is enough to send them away.

Then there was the time with the bullfrog, I was walking towards a work mates house with some papers, it had rained and the street was not paved, I noticed a frog leaping fast towards me so I started walking faster but the frog started jumping longer and faster, all of a sudden I got kind of scares and started running, he came faster, lucky for me there was a big puddle in the street, I jumped it and that stopped the frog. But I could see him on the other side of the puddle just staring at me.

And now back to grackles. I just remembered that about three years ago I was walking a certain street when a bird passed and actually kicked my cap off, the next week I again was targeted by a grackle, it happened four times total and it didn't stop until I finally decided to not use that street any more. I do walk that street now and it seems it is grackle free now.


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