We all are dependent on each other

in life •  2 years ago 



Independence is often viewed as the ultimate goal in life. We are taught to value self-sufficiency, to be able to take care of ourselves without relying on anyone else.

While striving for independence is admirable, the reality is that people can never be totally independent.

At the most basic level, we are all dependent on the environment around us. We need air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat. These resources are provided by the planet we live on, and without them, we could not survive.

We are also dependent on the people around us for our social and emotional well-being. Humans are social creatures, and we thrive on connection and interaction with others.



Even if we were to live in isolation, we would still be dependent on the knowledge and skills of those who came before us.

Everything we know, from language to technology, has been passed down from previous generations. We rely on this knowledge to make our way in the world.

Furthermore, we are dependent on the systems and institutions that make up our society. We rely on governments to provide security and basic services like education and healthcare.

We depend on businesses to provide goods and services that we need or want. We are also dependent on the infrastructure that allows us to move around, communicate, and access information.



In short, our existence is inherently interdependent. We rely on each other and the world around us to survive and thrive.

This is not a weakness, but rather a fundamental aspect of what it means to be human.

Of course, this does not mean that we should not strive for independence. Independence is still an important value, and it is possible to become more self-sufficient in certain areas of our lives.

However, it is important to recognize that complete independence is not possible or even desirable.

Instead, we should aim for a healthy balance of independence and interdependence.

We should strive to be self-sufficient in areas where it is reasonable and practical to do so, while also acknowledging and valuing our connections to others and the world around us.


In conclusion, people can never be totally independent. We are all interdependent beings, relying on each other and the world around us for our survival and well-being.

While striving for independence is important, it is important to recognize and value our connections to others and the world around us.

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