Thanksgiving and the Cardboard Turkey

in life •  4 years ago 

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday here in America where the family gets together over a massive meal. Homemade pies vie with stuffed turkey, ham and cranberry sauce to fill the bellies of everyone present. The food preparation usually begins at least a month out where repeated shopping runs are made to gather just the right ingredients. Skill and great care is taken putting everything together amongst those with years of experience putting smiles on people's faces.

Flying pies

We'd have entire cabinets full of baked pies. So many that the excess would be given away to family members and friends after the dinner. All manner of pumpkin, custards, apple and cherry pies and the smell throughout the house was heavenly. The stuffing was an art form and I don't know how they did it, but I couldn't imagine the turkey without it and that my friends is where the funny problem begins...

Aaaahhh the Turkey. Everyone in my family can cook it well, with the tender taste of the bird melting in your mouth. Everyone that is except; my mother! I don't know what happened when she was sitting at the knee of my grandmother learning, but boy oh boy can she botch the turkey!

In our family, it's traditional to attend thanksgiving with an empty stomach. Asking for second or third helpings is expected and it's considered very rude to have just one serving. My best friend came over one year and I told him not to eat anything all day. He had seconds, I had thirds which made my grandmother very happy. See you didn't celebrate the holiday at just your own home, a pilgrimage to grandmom's was expected as well and that brings us back to mom.

It didn't look like this!

God love her, I don't know what she's doing wrong, but she cooks the driest, stringiest Turkey in the world. It's like eating cardboard and we all make eyes at each other at the table. Of course you can't say anything except tell her how wonderful it is. I tried to gently broach the subject with grandmom, but she won't touch it, I think she liked knowing that her title of best cook remained unchallenged.

Everything else mom cooks is fine, but when she asks "who'd like seconds on turkey?" I let her know that that I couldn't take another bite even at gunpoint, thank you very much. Someday, somebody will work up the courage to say something, but it won't be me! my mouth was working overtime on that cardboard turkey! :) How was your thanksgiving?

Thank You So Much!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Happy Thanksgiving and a big hello to your mom :)

Thanks! I see you're enjoying the snow already. Another month for us here!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Everything has its time :)