Some Rebellious Sides of Me...

in life •  3 years ago 

Everybody has a rebellious phase in life... Back when I was younger, I was a little jit.

True story, I got kicked out of high school for having around a half ounce of weed and a pipe on me. The school arrested me (my case was dropped in court) and from there I went to an "alternative" school. We had to be drugged tested, and dogs would sniff us every other week. The school was more like a prison. After that, I dropped out of high school. Soon later, I registered to go to High School at a community college that offered a program. In that school, I got into an altercation with another guy and I was immediately kicked out from that school too. Later on, a few years went by and I got my GED at the same college where I did the Highschool Program in.

Looking back... I regret nothing. LOL

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