There comes a time in a man's life when he cannot be himself and no matter what he does, he fails over and over and over again.
When failure comes calling, it starts like a joke or some 'supposed gift' and then, pulls the wool off the man's face, just moment before he falls.
During the reign of failure, the man is the last persons to know he is failing for a purpose
Numbers are thrown around, questions are asked, aspersions are thrown around and eyelids are batted in the most unfriendly and judgmental way.
Failure though not fatal, is a necessary tool that exists to try the mind, thought, strength and willpower of a man.
He fails, he wins, he is strong, he is weak, he is smart, he is dull or he is just not there or there, there is no stopping the flow from happening.
During such a time, the man becomes an enemy to himself and whatever he does, becomes of no value to the world and even to himself.
Truth is, this message is for Me more than it is for you, but, I want you to pick yourself up and try again anytime you fail. (I seem to have become an expert of some sorts in this.)
Whenever you fail and decide to try again, don't fret, it will be fine. You may not get it right and you may, but what will count is that, you took it upon yourself to waddle through the veils of misfortune stacked against you.
Depends how you judge failure, if you do nothing then you can't learn or achieve anything, if you try something and don't achieve your desired result is it failure or is it apart journey to learn.
Success isn't always defined by the results we seek, stepping out to try is success already.
Stay Awesome!