Choose to Focus and Create.

in life •  4 years ago  (edited)

"I choose to focus my attention in whatever direction calls me to create my best day!"- Sherri Bishop.


In the issues of life, we all are creators, masters of our games and artists that are larger than the most known artists of all time.
Whenever I am in the zone to do something, I feel like Michelangelo or Mozart or some intelligent but crazy genius working on creating something never seen before but heard to be hard.


In life, you cannot afford to give your least but expected to give your best and to do that, you must focus your attention on doing the best and pushing your strength into the direction that yields results so you can create an amazing day.

I have been known to fail more times than I have won. Am I ashamed of myself for failing? Most definitely. Will I stop doing my best and getting work out? Most definitely NOT!

Failing the number of times I have has made me see that, I can be my best no matter how may times I fail, and even if after putting my best work out I fail, I still feel better with myself knowing that I gave it my best shot.

Choose to focus your attention in whatever direction that calls you to create your best day and even if you fail, don't sweat it, you gave it your best shot and that will count in the purse of wins for you.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

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I think we owe it to the world — and to ourselves — to always o our best.

Nice positive message!

Bright Blessings!