Javanese Culture Rarely Realized by the Community

in life •  2 years ago 

Javanese society is one of the typical people who inhabit the civilization of the archipelago.


Anthropologically, Javanese people are people who speak and apply Javanese values ​​in their daily lives.
More concretely, in terms of anthropological culture, Javanese society is a society that upholds and adheres to a system of Javanese norms and values ​​consisting of aspects of religiosity, patterns of knowledge, morals, arts, beliefs, organizational systems, livelihoods and habits.
As for the social aspect, the Javanese society is a society with patterns of thought, patterns of behavior, patterns of interaction, patterns of relationships like Javanese values. Meanwhile, from a geographical perspective, Javanese people are people who live or come from the central and eastern parts of Java.
In fact, Java is not only a cultural system, but has become a belief for the Javanese people with values ​​that are upheld in certain contexts.
Apart from the various definitions of Javanese society that have been described, of course there are other perspectives on what is meant by Javanese society. The definition of Javanese society seems to have been explained by science in various perspectives according to their respective studies.
The following article will try to dissect the culture of the Javanese people in the perspective of Cultural Studies. Through this study of the Javanese community, several points of view may be obtained which may differ from other perspectives in general.

The reason is because the type of Cultural Studies perspective is multidisciplinary. Its simple meaning is a point of view of scientific studies based on various points of view of other scientific disciplines which are used as a study group.
Through these various glasses, Cultural Studies can see a reality with different interpretations. Cultural Studies is able to see a reality based on scientific disciplines that have lasted so far.
Through the perspective of Cultural Studies, this paper will raise the concept of subculture to see Javanese society. This concept will be the foundation to see a reality of Javanese society which is rarely realized by the public.
Javanese subculture is a study in the perspective of Cultural Studies which will look at the subcultures that exist in Javanese culture.
Before going any further, it is necessary to understand the concept of subculture itself. Subculture is a culture that is present as a form of resistance to the parent culture that is considered noble in a society. It can also be understood that this subculture is an antithesis form of a culture that has been around for so long.
Usually subcultures express in a symbol or certain characteristics in a subculture group. One example of a subculture that can be seen together is the Punk and Rastafarian groups
Some examples of these subcultural groups express themselves with certain characteristics and symbols that describe their identity. Generally, these characteristics have a certain historicity and philosophy which means resistance to the noble culture in a society.
So it can be said that the group shows their existence as a manifestation of resistance to the culture that has been lasting in society. The group exists as a group that rejects the noble culture in a society. The group is subordinate to the noble culture in a society.
Through a subculture approach, this paper tries to look at the cultural reality of Java from a subcultural point of view. It is necessary to understand in advance about Javanese culture which is considered noble by the Javanese people.
The noble culture of the Javanese people from a geographical point of view can be seen in the pattern of the people of the city of Solo. The people of Solo show the style of Javanese society which has been constructed by the pattern of knowledge in Javanese society at large.
Javanese culture is considered as a noble culture as can be exemplified in his uploading attitude. Upload-ungguh attitude as a moral value of Javanese society which is oriented towards polite manners. Both in the form of attitude/behavior, language/speech, as well as the mindset of the Javanese people.
This noble culture has been patently constructed in Javanese society. Javanese people think that those who fall into the category or what can be called Javanese people are those who apply Javanese moral values ​​such as the upload-ungguh.
Through this noble cultural reality, in certain contexts it will bring up a subculture of the noble culture itself. Although in terms of historicity there is less correlation in it, but in the cultural aspect, this subculture is the antithesis of the existing noble culture of Java.
The subculture in question is the subculture of the Javanese people who are located in Surabaya in terms of geography. The distance between the two cities between Solo and Surabaya can be seen very far, which is about 260 km. Of course from the geographical aspect has no relevance at all.
Likewise with the historical community which is also different. Solo as a style of royal society that favors the upload-ungguh culture that is submissive and obedient to the king, while Surabaya as a city of heroes that gives birth to a society that is brave and firm.
Social, historical, and geographical aspects have no correlation at all. However, for Cultural Studies, which is a multidisciplinary study, it shows a significant correlation.
The people of Surabaya show the style of Javanese society which is very different from the expectations in the minds of the Javanese people in general. Even though the people of Surabaya are one of the Javanese communities as well.
However, for the Javanese community, what shows the identity of the Javanese community is the Solo community. The reason is none other than because the style of the Solo community has become a construct of knowledge in society that has been lasting so far. Meanwhile, the style of the people of Surabaya is subordinated to the culture of the Javanese people.
It can be exemplified in the attitude of the people of Surabaya which is contrary to the people of Solo, such as the absence of an attitude of uploading-ungguh. The standard of politeness for the people of Surabaya is "Misuh" (saying dirty) like Jancok or in terms of behavior there is no term bowing one's head to someone who is respected or older.
The characteristics of the people of Surabaya are very different from the people of Solo. The people of Solo prefer the Smooth Javanese language and behave politely. So it can be said that the people of Surabaya as a subculture of Javanese culture reflect on the people of Solo as a noble and lasting culture.
So far, one can see the uniqueness of Javanese society which is rarely heard by the general public. One of them is from the Javanese subculture.
Javanese society is not only about its noble culture of uploading-ungguh which is often heard by the public. Javanese society also includes those who have a culture that is contrary to the upload-ungguh concept, such as the misuh culture in every word they say.

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