in life •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone, Today I will be sharing a very sad incident that happened to my relative. I have an uncle who lived in Dwarka with his family, he has two children.
Few days ago, he had a fight with his wife on some personal matter. Uncle tried to solve that matter on his own and didn’t tell us about that matter assuming that it will be solved easily but he was unaware of the outcome.




I’m also so disappointed that her wife did a suicide, she didn’t thought of her children that who will take care of them.
We should always think a number of times before taking any actions that how that action will affect us and others who all are related to us.
She thought she will do a suicide and she will get relief from her life that appeared to her as hell. If she would have patience and just thought about her children who are so attached to their mother she would have stopped but the anger is a very bad thing it destroys a person’s life in seconds.

We should always think about everyone and take decisions accordingly, we should never give up and try to fight each and every situation accordingly and try to find out the best possible solution to that problem because running is not the way of dealing any situation.

Now even my uncle is thinking that why he didn’t stop fighting he should have kept quite and controlled his anger now due to the fight between uncle and his wife the one’s who are suffering are none other than their own children.

We should always try to find a solution and never give up.

Thank you 😊

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