Today after we had gone home and I got settled on my bed I felt this discomfort in my right foot's joint. It is actually a pain that lingered a bit and I had thought of maybe Gabapentin would take care of it.
I was right because after a while no more much pain or at least that lingering pain got shed-off. Gabapentin just works good for my body and it is better than NSAID pain reliever in a way that it will not cause any digestive problems in my guts.
Plus the relaxing and sleep enhancing effects is really something that cannot be bought by any money in the world. I do not know much what to do if I haven't discovered the health benefits of Gabapentin, I might be living with so much misery so I thank God for such medicine that solves many problems in my body.
I didn't take NSAID pain reliever yesterday but I haven't experienced much pain in my body except my right foot today which worries me much because it might continue to deteriorate since I am suspecting that my parathyroid is still pumping its destructive hormones in my body.
I haven't gotten tested already for iPTH because of the CoViD lockdown but I will soon, it is just the test for it is expensive and if it really revealed anyway that is still relatively high I cannot even add more Cinacalcet tablets daily because Cinacalcet is not only expensive as well but also hard for my body to tolerate. I will never ever build any appetite anymore if I would add more of that drug in my body although it was indicated in the prescription that I have to take two tablets daily by my Endocrinologist.