About Love and Imagination

in life •  3 years ago 

About Love and Imagination.png

Who doesn't want to have a happy love story like Cinderella? Who doesn't want to have a perfect partner physically and mentally and live a life full of laughter forever?

I used to want to have a story like that too. But after years of studying the dynamics of romance, I realized that reality is not as beautiful as fairy tales.

Since childhood, we have been filled with romantic things from movies or novels with the theme of love. The story is definitely not far from a beautiful princess who falls in love with a handsome prince. After struggling through the odds, they end up living happily ever after together. You can find such a theme in Disney movies or romantic novels.

Since you are filled with stories like that every day, you also fantasize about having an ideal partner like Cinderella, etc. When you meet someone you like, you automatically project your perfect partner to that person. So when you're in love, you're actually in love with your own imagination.

The doctrine nurtured since childhood makes many people struggle to find love and the ideal partner according to their imagination. If you continue to follow that imagination, you will experience a lot of disappointment because no one is that perfect. If you keep looking for it, you are like chasing the end of the rainbow. Just when you think you've found the end, you're wrong, and there's still another end of the rainbow ahead. You keep chasing it until you realize it's just an illusion. In reality, it's like there's never an end to a rainbow.

It's the same with finding the perfect partner. When you think you've found the right candidate, there will be others who better meet your criteria. As a result, you are tempted to glance and look again and so on. I don't know how long it will last; it all depends on your decision to stop or not.

It must be realized that everything you learn about love is simply a product of a modern culture that has permeated since childhood. If you want to change your mindset to be realistic, you will look for a more realistic partner. To be sure, it's easier for you to find a partner than to keep chasing your imaginary figure.

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