Legacy The Voice Of A Meaningless Life.

in life •  11 months ago 

This life just seems to be pointless if you generally look at it. You struggle everyday to earn a living, but at the end of it all what you finally earned is death.


All the good you try to do and your service to humanity will not save you from the day of your death. You work hard to build your wealth and you end up leaving it for others, you try to take your health serious by exercising and eating healthy foods but your body still get weak as time goes on. Life just seem meaningless if you look at the bigger picture of it.

What is the need of toiling day and night everyday, the things we are fighting for each day, is it really worth it? since nothing belongs to you in this world. You do all the good works and when death comes people tend to forget you easily, and the world moves on like you never existed.

The interesting part of life is that we all know our fate at last. We are working hard to die, eating to die, loving to die, giving to die, fighting to die, enjoying to die and with all this we are all living to die.

Most people live in fear of death all this days of their life, why would you do that. We already know of fate so why would you allow fear of death to stop you from living your to fullest while you can because your time is very short here.

Each day we take one risk or the other. The car you entered and nothing happened to you, was also the same car the other person entered and didn't come out alive, the house you sleep and wake up some slept and didn't see another broad day light.

Being aware of all this and how our life is always at risk, what is the right thing to do now. There is no right way to live the life, you must realize you are in a mission to either make the world better than the way you met it or make it worse.

Others were in this world before you came and have left, but what speaks for them here is the good name and legacy they built for themselves.

The reputation you build here on earth whether good or bad will surely speak for you when you are far gone, it is left for you to choose if you want to remember for good or bad. You have to choose one side and impact the world because you are not living for yourselves but for the people coming ahead of you, live badly and the ones coming see the world in a bad way, live a good life and it becomes good for those coming.

You might try to trick this life by living a selfish an greedy life, but the truth is whatever you are withholding from the world today you are piling it for the ones coming in the future because nothing can be yours, you came naked and naked you shall go.


Your life on earth should be on equilibrium, you must be able to strike a balance between selfishness and selflessness. Enjoy yourself as much as you can because your time is short, also don't forget to impact and serve the world to make it a better for the future. Just be selfish for your benefit and be selfless sometimes for the betterment of the world.


In conclusion all that matters at last in this world is the reputation, good name and legacy you built and left that would always speak for you.

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