Habits change your life in abundance

in life •  2 years ago 

These good habits above all those that require a lot of discipline, it is not something that is easy to do for everyone, but some can achieve them and others cannot, is there a specific secret, sense of luck? or what is the mystery?, that all your goals make it fulfill. Examples saving is a habit depends on the person's lifestyle, personality.

Having a life of financial stress or a tranquility of abundance, is found in the small habits that we have in relation to money, we know that there are very few people who enjoy a financial life, freedom, prosperity, it is how they manage the money to be rich or to be poor.

Resume your way of thinking

If after paying your account your liquid remuneration seems to fall short, it is necessary that you allocate a part of your money for your financial objectives, you should not only pay your bills from what is left over is that you are going to collect, you should not have to put in first instead withdraw the money you will need for your goals and then pay off your debts. One of the big mistakes when saving is that we always leave it for later when extra money arrives or when we get out of debt, if we continue to have that mentality we will never be able to start saving.

Another big mistake we have is that the more we earn, the more we spend. I will not tell you how much to save, because each of us must stipulate our amount, even if it is a small portion with whom you start, but take that first step. So to build your wealth you must change your way of thinking, before spending what is left of your salary, enter it to change your financial life, for your own business, but you must start to be able to change your finances.

Mentalize visualize how far you want to go

Like any athlete who visualizes how far they want to go, jump higher, swim faster, run to first place, we must visualize how far we want to go, knowing what you want money to do for you, will give you greater probability of achieving your goals. Start with a plan and specific goals, this is to achieve, in a specific time.

When we set specific goals in our financial plan, visualizing what we want will make it easier for us to save, so that we can achieve our goals.

Create your own mind tricks

You set your own rules, since each of us knows our expenses, let's try to set rules that we can access, for example, eliminate a few unnecessary expenses such as having a coffee, or buying things that what you spend is great. Making these rules will make it a habit in your life, which will help you financially, because every day you will follow it.

Control your incoming and outgoing money

You must keep track of what income you have, for example there are people who have two salaries, or one salary and one extra income, you must know this exactly to keep a good control, just like how much money you spend, it must be a budget that you It helps to see your daily, weekly and even monthly cats, where you can see what the unnecessary expenses are.

Do you keep track of your personal income and expenses? It is not necessary to be a company to keep track of our personal expenses and income.

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