Getting A Wife In 2025 (eSIMP, Single Mom, PayPig Takeover)

in life •  last month 


It has been a bit since I updated everyone on my observations and realizations in the field of dating, marriage, and the mental health of all these fine citizens on Earth.

For starters it isn't looking good in most of the nations for multiple reasons.

You have to realize that the dynamic now is different than any other time in human history and I will pin that on the general health of people, social media, birth control, anti depressants, and the ability to send money to women remotely, and women have been told they are in charged and are often fast tracked for being a woman.

Before anyone gets pissed I'm just the messenger. Some may think that I'm just complaining about the current situation but I have done A LOT of field research to maximize my success and hopefully this will give you insight which will lead you to getting what you want.

First of all do you really want to get married? Are you just trying to do that to lock in consistent sex because that might blow up in your face. The amount of men that say don't get married is pretty alarming and with divorce rates over 50% in the United States it has a low probability of working out. In all my research less than 5% of marriages look like anything I could consider healthy or advantageous for the period of time that I have observed them. It isn't to be negative but just because it is working out at one point doesn't mean that she doesn't ask for a divorce in 4 years or whenever.

Almost No One In Regular Society Is Getting What They Want

There is a massive misalignment of what people feel like they deserve and what they are able to have continued success with. This goes for the young bloods that are still in High School to successful professional athletes, movie stars, entrepreneurs, and musicians. This goes for both men and women. Even if there are some days in the sun it is human nature to get bored. We are wired that way. There are theories that women want a different man every 18 months as sort of natures way to force genetic diversity. It's really hard to determine this because we live in such an unnatural world so comparing what would have happened in cave man times to today is sort of a tough exercise. In general people are distracted and curious about others and more so now than ever before a woman can move like that. She can command an army of providers. Different guys buying her dinner every night. Other guys sending her money remotely through CashApp who she has never even met.

A woman now can get 1000X the attention of a man and that is more than at any other time in human history.


A lot of of have seen the story of this Sophia Rain making $43 Million on OnlySimps. She is 20 years old and when it boils down to it she is universally hot or right on the threshold of cute and hot. She's a good looking girl but she made $43 Million off random dudes just subscribing to pictures of her.

This boils over to several situations that I have ran into where I approached chicks and ended up exchanging Instagram handles and they had a link in their bio that lead to OnlySimps.

I randomly got in a conversation with the dude who spotted me in my 225lb X 5 Incline Bench video and he said that him and several friends were in a text thread where they were finding various girls OnlySimps pages that they went to high school with and he said they found about 6 local girl's pages. That's small town Midwest "wholesome" girls. In reality a lot of these young women have resorted to selling themselves in one way or another whether it be adult content, having sugar daddies, or commanding an orbit of "prospects" to get meals, gas money, and other gifts out of them but never actually being in a relationship with them.

Do I think this should be illegal? No......... but all this echos through the whole dating environment and changes the expectations for everyone so you have to decide how you are going to handle it. You could shame them. See the subtle shaming I do by calling it OnlySimps? That is to subtly shame the men who subscribe to these THOTs because that isn't my game. I have never subscribed to OnlyFans and thought I was going to get at arms length and meetup with a chick.

I think that game is ineffective.

Can eSIMP Game Be Effective?

Remember 30 years ago when you could get a chicks attention 3 counties away by sending her $400 through CashApp? I don't either because this has never fucking happened in human history. You couldn't remotely be sending these women money to try to get their attention. My friends have even witnessed eSIMP game by guys we would never expect to be doing that. Guys that were in shape and arguably had a solid look. We were like WTF???? They basically said you have to get her attention. They would do that and basically spend more than $1,000 and never meet the chick. It was so ridiculous.

To me it makes no sense to ever attempt eSIMP game because if the goal was to have sex with her you haven't even met her yet and you are sending money. You would almost be better off spending the money to fly to a country where the women are way hotter and essentially pay for it.

I have never paid cash money or gotten a prostitute or any of that. Again do I think it should be illegal?.........No. It's just not part of my game.

I have paid with my time in the gym and practicing sports. I could have not spent that time and not had as good of a physique or directly competed with the competition on the field of play and just focused on getting more money to then go in heavier on the wallet front but oftentimes in my observations that doesn't really convert to the success those guys want either because deep down they can sense the women aren't really into them and they are just trying to get money out of them.

Women Are More Unstable Than Ever Before

In general most women are never happy. I feel very solid in saying this as a fact because for starters financial stress is not a fun process to go through and everyone is getting their teeth kicked in by inflation all over the world. Women are very emotional with their spending a lot of times and they are the ultimate consumers. I regularly see women posting stuff making light of the fact that they ordered off of Amazon again for the 9th day in a row type stuff.


This is a double joke because most of these women won't have a man. They will have an orbit of various guys who won't commit to them but they might be able to get some money and some meals and some bills paid. It's a very flighty environment but you get the point. There are tons of shopaholic memes out there. Couple that financial stress with birth control and the depression and mood swings that causes. Then stack that with the large percentage of these women being on anti depressants. Stack that with the fact they don't exercise or eat right which would actually be a solution to a lot of their problems. Stack that with the Covid Clot Shot Experimental Gene Therapy causing them health issues. Stack that with them feeling terrible about themselves because they are looking at attractive women on Instagram and comparing those women and their lives.

So if you are out there dealing with these women you don't really know a lot of this until later on and then you realize their mind is like one of those snow globes you shake up.


Women Aren't Hot In The United States On Average

A lot of people's perception is really skewed on American women because we see a lot of these people in the spotlight like the OnlySimps THOT from earlier or some of these various college athletes that suddenly were able to land these heavy NIL deals now that the NCAA rules changed for college athletes but these aren't your normal situation. Even going to the gyms and being out and about I only see a couple chicks on this threshold each year. I know that sounds stupid because you could really try to target hot spots.


A couple years ago when I was in California I went out in Santa Monica and there were chicks from UCLA and those chicks were legit hot but on average most places are extremely low stock and in the Midwest 90% of the women are overweight. So where does this cause an issue? Well I have noticed at the smaller town YMCAs that there are about 20 guys for ever 1 woman working out. Then if you chop it down to women that I would take a second look at there are about 3 women at each of these YMCAs which is extremely low and bad quality. Then when you do let's say have 3 legitimately attractive women in a town that has 20,000 people those 3 women think they are Aphrodite and often aren't going to talk to anyone in that area. They often try to get to Chicago or Indianapolis or Nashville. Then when they get there they still end up ultimately single a lot of times because the level of guys they are going for elevated and they have more competition from other women that are legitimately hot as well. Ft. Lauderdale is a perfect example of this. More attractive people and suddenly everyone is still single.

The women in Canada and Australia are hotter on average than American women hands down. It's a noticeable difference. On average they are in better shape. The food isn't as fake there for starters and I noticed in Australia the women participate in sports clubs more than they do here. Like they might play baseball or soccer or volleyball as part of a weekend club.

What you find though is in Canada and Australia there are still a ton of frustrated singles. The stats even on a place like Poland on marriage and relationships isn't as strong as you would expect. Social media and all these other pressures are effecting everyone around the world.

The 9's Are Never Really With Anyone Until Their Looks Decline

So this isn't 100% the case but it is something I have noticed A LOT with the women. So in regards to rating these chicks. I don't go out giving 10's. Like what I would say about that gymnast above is that she is a 9.5 and pretty much the closest thing to a 10 essentially. Same thing with that OnlySimps chick. They are legit HOT and any dude sort of acting like they aren't is likely gay or did a ton of drugs and fried his brain.

I have coached at a couple of colleges and surveyed the land and 95% of these female college athletes that most dudes would essentially expend all resources on if given the chance are single. I would say the percentage goes up on the upper tier ones that are in that 8 and 9 threshold. Like 99% of those chicks are single. Oftentimes what I see is they will sort of bounce around teasing and talking this this guy and that guy and play that WAY INTO Unnecessary overtime. They keep thinking they can do better. The same thing sort of effects the guys as well.

The dynamic is off so it's extremely hard to get with your looks equivalent.

I see it with the young guys coming out of high school. They will be tall, in shape, good looking and they are just frustrated and not having success and the ones with advanced game are just having fleeting success. Like getting a legit hot chick interested but not able to retain her. I see the same thing with the guys in their mid 20's as well. No one is really having success with the 8s and 9s to any actual degree for the younger guys.

Some of you are probably thinking that especially these athletic good looking college athletes are having success. Very few of them to be straight up honest with you.


Most of the stuff out there is a date down and doesn't seem equivalent. Then you have so many people remaining single because the juice isn't worth the squeeze in their perception. I would say the upper threshold women are oftentimes staying single because they can command an orbit of providers. So instead of having 1 husband she has 5 guys buying various things to her and she knows if she gets in a relationship the guy is going to be like WTF.... "Who is this other dude you are talking to?"

Women Have Been Told They Are In Charge (So Much Is About Control)

In corporate environments women have been put in charge and even with the presidential race Kamala couldn't answer a question the entire race and can we name one thing she did her entire Vice Presidential term?????? She wasn't elected in but was placed there to run for President while they tried to assassinate and imprison Trump. The world has told women they are in charge and they are able to get so much attention I can understand how that would go to their head.

If I got as much attention as these women it would go to my head as well. An average looking woman gets 1000X the attention of an average man. An average man is essentially invisible.

Is There Anyone Having Success In 2025???????

We have to define success for this part of it. Most men would see what I have pulled off in the past year and be envious and in a lot of respects I have been a lucky man but I wasn't trying to "pull anything off." When it boils down to it most things would be going great and these women's instability and mental issues would cause everything to unravel. Let's just say my game is broken and talk about other guys. Well statistically the numbers aren't looking good with words like "situationship" coming into the vernacular and eSIMPS supporting that one chick to the tune of $43 Million so we can't say that my game is busted.

Myself and several of my friends assessed the situation and basically tried to point out guys we went to high school, college, or played baseball with. We were having an extremely hard time reporting much of any success because usually if it looked like a looks equivalent it would be a single mom situation or the dude was PAYING OUT THE ASS. Like going on constant trips that we know he was paying for so the expenditure was insane to retain a chick that was a 7.5.

About the only guys I was seeing having success with upper threshold 8 or 9 out of 10 girls were Latin Baseball players. Guys from Mexico or Venezuela who were athletic good looking guys and their girlfriends / wives were looks equivalent and if fit. Where you would look at it and say..... Yeah that makes sense.

Everything else has not been impressive results to say the least. I mean even the billionaires are often not getting with anything that would blow our doors off. We all remember Caroline right?


I'm not trying to make fun of people. We can make fun of Caroline though because she was a fraudster but Sam was touted as this Billionaire and that is what he was landing. We have seen Jeff Bezos's new plastic arm piece. It isn't like they are ending up with the 9's.


I see the Mennonite and Amish families and they certainly are living in two worlds. My thing is that you have to essentially be born into that and also how much of them staying in that life is out of fear. Often they fear if they break away from the church they will go to hell. Even if you studied the Book of Mormon and moved out to Utah that in itself isn't likely to give you success retaining traction with some 8 or 9 unless you have all these other components in place like having a good look, being able to talk, height, and money.


The memes are very fitting and very true. It's a very precarious situation because there are so many single moms and they are like playing Russian roulette because you do have additional leverage on them if you are a single guy with no kids and because of the amount of them and the fact that they have to compete with the women who aren't single moms sometimes those women end up being the hottest in the area. I have seen that several times and it is a mind fuck. There have been a couple of them that almost made me break my own rules because their looks threshold was so high and I had a really good connection with them. Ultimately I couldn't do it. I had to walk away.

What Game Should You Employ In 2025?

Religion game, beard game, tattoo game, supercar game, jacked game, Daddy Dom game???? Should you lengthen your legs?


That's how fucked up the dating game is in 2025 that guys are going to insane procedures to lengthen their legs by essentially breaking their legs and having these rods and pins put in them and it costs over 100K. So don't be thinking for a minute that my game is busted when these mofos are having leg lengthening surgery.

Where is your time best spent? Memorizing bible verses or hitting the gym? Getting tattoos or putting twin turbos on your Corvette?

"JUST BE YOURSELF" 😂 The facts are that yourself isn't good enough and you are always going to have to improve or give yourself an edge over the competition. One thing that I have noticed more and more are high school guys getting tattoos. Deploying tattoo game as 16 years old or younger. I'm not saying someone should do that I'm just saying. A guy being athletic, tall, and going to a Christian university isn't necessarily going to lock you into having a wife and a family either or having sustained traction for the younger guys. I have observed that a lot.

Trust me when I say this about 95% of men aren't able to convert at all on the dating apps or in person. For starters most of the Gen Z women are very awkward and aren't used to having men approaching and talking to them mainly because things went so much to the apps and social media stuff. People are abandoning the apps mainly because most guys weren't able to convert at all. They couldn't meet up with any decent looking chick or get anything out of it. They oftentimes weren't getting matches at all.


"JUST MEET IN REAL LIFE" ..... they aren't doing that either. The bars and clubs are dying. I noticed this in 2022. Everything post Covid was a death blow on top of guys not having success in that arena either. Meet a sweet girl at church. A lot of it is single moms trying to clean up their image to snag another check. Most single mom's game is to get multiple men paying into them. That's their hustle. That's their business. Don't think for a minute it isn't.

Dudes aren't going out like that anymore. Women are complaining online that there are no men at the bars. They got sick of just getting rejected and there were no results from it for 99% of dudes. It became BYOB "Bring Your Own Bitch". Basically if someone had a match on the dating apps setting up the date at the bar with her but the premise you are going to meet a chick and the bar and even get her contact info and meet up with her some other day is so rare at this point. It still happens some but guys gave up on that dream.

Too Much Friction In The United States

Earlier I mentioned it is all about control. The women have been told they are in charge so they will test you and suddenly act like they are running the show. That doesn't fly with a guy like myself or a lot of my friends so it ends up being this tumultuous scenario of jockeying for position and control. You have to have the willingness to walk away but this screws things up as well because they have a false sense of options but sometimes her options are legitimately real if she is hot enough.

We have watched guys lead with their wallets out the gate. Their expenditure ends up being so high and it actually back fires on them and leads them further from the end zone. The fact of the matter is if you cut out the single moms, cut out the overweight women, then narrow it to women in their 20s who didn't get the Covid vaccine you are talking about a extremely low percentage in most of these markets. Then you try to eliminate the women who are on anti depressants. Point is 98% of these women if not 99% of these women I would never be able to commit to long term. It just doesn't make sense for in shape guys to expend resources on the out of shape single moms.

That makes no sense in any timeline.

Most the guys I know really weren't trying to be a savage. There were women I was with who I would have committed to long term with and had kids with but they decided to go on some mentally deranged woke journey or whatever the fuck. Hoeflation is real.

Realize that most of the women who voted for Trump were already with a strong man. Most of the women who didn't get vaccinated were already with a strong man. They likely got with that guy in high school or they are in those pockets of ultra conservative people. Most aren't really available. A lot of the other women are looking for something that doesn't exist. Some muscular lumberjack looking dude with a six pack that voted for Kamala. Doesn't EXIST.

The Positive and Unsettling Reality of This Timeline

The fact that this timeline is so harsh has pushed me to keep improving way beyond anyone ever in my bloodlines. I have went further, faster, higher, and I'm way stronger than anyone could have ever been in my family tree. The difference is they all were able to pass on their genes and I haven't which is pretty insane when it boils down to it. A lot of the women aren't fertile out there and most aren't equally yoked.

I'm not going to memorize The Book of Mormon. I'm probably not going to get any tattoos because I'm too analytical and also I think it will distract from my natural muscle structure. I'm not going to lengthen my legs with some radical procedure. I'm not going to pretend to be some betatized Kamala / AOC supporter.

My best bet is likely in another country. We just aren't seeing the success here as far as the longevity. We are just seeing dudes dating WAY Down or just giving up and playing video games. I never gave up but the game is expansive. You have to cast such a large net and keep moving and keep moving. I basically try not to spend anything or pull up with cheap wine or THC gummies.

Some people will say this is the issue and that I should wine and dine these women with some lavish dinner but that actually back fires for those guys. They often can't escalate anything to a point where there is physical contact or to where it ends up back at someone's place. I realized these women don't want to drive anywhere so I use that to my advantage and just try to go to where they are and do something that cost little to nothing. Go to the stone quarry. Where my game spins out with a lot of these chicks is after a few months they think they are going to find the 27 year old version of me or something. It isn't impossible but who is to say they are going to pick that chick?

The most unsettling thing is you realize the game never ends and the way things have shifted I would have to go half the world away to another nation where I don't speak the native language to increase my traction with a higher tier of woman. That's easier to do now than it was 100 years ago but still. That's ridiculous in a lot of ways. Other men throughout history have been faced with this as well at much greater risk.

A lot of you guys are going to be faced the same thing essentially to where you will likely have to pay out the ass to no end to try to retain a date down chick that is screaming at you to take out the trash. Just nightmarish to say the least.

The only thing you can do if you are trapped in these places like the United States or the UK is try to get in as good of shape as possible and looks max and cast an extremely large net but even going through that you still might be in a situation where you would have to accept a severe date down scenario which probably won't make sense long term so if you build yourself up and hit the eject button to Eastern Europe or Argentina or something the future might be way brighter. It's only going to get worse over the next 10 years here. I'm hoping RFK Jr can help with all the bullshit in our food but the women are way over eating and even if there is real sugar in it they are still going to gorge themselves.

In Conclusion

The results are in. We were all hard pressed to point out hardly anyone where we were giving the nod to thinking. "Damn.....he did good." Even guys who were 6'4" college / professional athletes with a good look ended up putting "She puts up with me" in a hashtag and we are looking at the pictures thinking. You shouldn't even be talking to her. We can just spout off countless situations like the Tom Brady situation and countless non celebrity stuff. How many divorces and custody battles are going on in this country???? Too many to imagine.

Yeah guys looks aren't everything and we will certainly give some variance and leeway for sure but most of this stuff is so far from salvageable. They are beyond rehab projects. My grandpa would look at these women and say, "JESUS Crimany"

I'm doing everything I can. Putting coconut oil on my face at night and brushing my teeth with No Fluoride charcoal tooth paste. STEAK and EGGS ..... STEAK and EGGS ...... Stronger than EVER 💪 Music Game improving!!!! Be jacked, ripped, and tan and utilize AI to basically do the work of 10 men just to amp up and have to leave your home nation. Sheesh.

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